Monday, May 17, 2021

Tropical Rouge Precure Ep 12 Review: So that's why the Aqua Pot is so Important...

Hi, Everyone! This is my Short review of Tropical Rouge Precure Episode 12 and my thoughts about the episode. 

This episode is the introduction of Kakuta who leads the Discipline committee in the school and she finds the Tropical Club suspicious even since the rumours of Mermaids roaming the city and school. The girls tried their best to hide Laura and Kururu from Kakuta which finally leads her to confiscate the Aqua Pot from them claiming it to be not part of "School Regulations."

But when Elda create a Zenzen Yaranade and sucked out the motivation from everyone in the park, the girls couldn't do much damage without destroying the motivation in the process. Which come to think about it, the Aqua Pot does have a purpose to claim back the motivation energy. If the girls were to finish off the Yaranade without removing the motivation energy first, then there is no way the affected people will return to normal. Although this was never explained by anyone in the show, it makes sense after all. 

While the girls are fighting the Yaranade, Laura sneaks into the Discipline committee room and her cover was almost blown as she used a school uniform and a long skirt to hide her identity. Kakuta found her suspicious and chased her around the school. Laura managed to give her the slip and joined the others to reclaim the motivation energy. 

Kakuta tried to confiscate the Aqua Pot from the girls the next day but Minori used a loophole in their school regulations which saved them. Laura wanted to keep the uniform but was told her skirt is too long and will never get past the Discipline committee. Although it might be foreshadowing, Laura might finally get a chance to be part of the school if something miracle happens like growing a pair of legs in the future ala the Little Mermaid. 

Overall, an okay episode but seeing how everyone is hoping for my thoughts based on the stats on my blog, I decided to give in to do this short review. As state before, I won't do reviews for every episode if there is little or none to talk about unless something major does happen in the episode. 

Until then, stay safe and see you in the next post!

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