Sunday, March 8, 2020

Healin' Good Precure Ep 6 Review: A Mother's Love

Hi everyone! This is Episode 6 of Healin' Good Precure and Latte felt lonely alone at home...

Our Introduction Sequence by Nodoka and Rabirin.

Hinata and Chiyu were invited to Nodoka's house and also learn that Nodoka's father Takeshi is a house designer and the house was his creation. Later Nodoka's mother Yasuko told her that she decided to go back to the workforce since Nodoka is going back to school.

Rabirin wearing PJ (Cute!)

Nodoka told Rabirin that her mother stopped working to take care of her when she was hospitalized and she is happy that her mother is going back to work again. She is worried that no one will take care of Latte but Rabirin promises to look after her when they leave for work and school. 

After Chiyu's mother, Yasuko will be the subject for Doujin Artists.

Nodoka told Chiyu and Hinata about her mother returning to work and mentioned that she worked as a delivery driver. Nodoka also told them that that's how her mother first meet her father and got married after that. 

Run to the Light, Latte!

The next day, the family said goodbye to Latte while the three Healing partners took care of her. However Latter was feeling lonely and when Nyatoran opened the back door, Latte rushed out to the streets. Pegitan and Nyatoran followed her behind while Rabirin informed the girls.

They found Latte waiting outside Yasuko's workplace and learnt that she went out for delivery. The girls listened to Latte's heart and learn that she missed Yasuko as she took care of her at home and it reminded her of Queen Teatine. 

Daruizen appeared in a Strawberry farm where Yasuko is delivering the fruits. He corrupted the Harvest Element Spirit into a Megabyogen. Latte immediately could sense it and the girls rushed to the scene. Yasuko tried to reprimand Daruizen but he pushed her away and knocked her unconscious

The girls arrived and saw Yasuko unconscious which angered Nodoka. They quickly transformed and take on the Megabyogen. Cure Grace landed on some of the corrupt ground which immobilizes her. Daruizen took some of the corruption and smear on Rabirin and Cure Grace's face. 

Cure Grace immediately asked Daruizen why is he corrupting the Earth and he replied he just enjoys doing what he likes. Cure Grace broke free and was about to take on Daruizen however the other two girls are in danger and went to their aid instead.

The girls quickly finished off the Megabyogen and saved the Harvest Element Spirit. After Daruizen retreated and everything went back to normal, the Harvest Element Spirit gave them a Harvest Bottle to heal Latte and the Healing Partners explained the Harvest bottle is one of the rare items beside their own and they kept it inside the Healing Bags.

Yasuko recovered and later thank Chiyu and Hinata for being friends with Nodoka. As Nodoka didn't go to school when she was sick, she was unable to make any friends. Yasuko wants them to be good friends which they accepted it. Queen Teatine could also felt the Earth is healing again and Latte is getting along with everyone...

This is a pretty good episode since Latte is just like any other dog that has a good owner. I used to have a dog and he too could sense loneliness and happy when we are not around or not. Furthermore, Latte missed her mother as such Yasuko acted like a surrogate mother to her which is why she felt lonely when she went back to the workforce.

Daruizen also started a "rivalry" between him and Cure Grace since he knocked Yasuko out cold which angered Cure Grace. Despite him being a jerk like smearing the corruption onto Cure Grace's face, it felt more like teasing the enemy and not the "totally evil" villain which I am guessing it probably will take Cure Grace more effort to get through to him.  

The episode's fight was just everyone using barriers which I am getting worried on the Team Healin's fighting style since you can only do so much with barriers (Unless you are a Kekkaishi but even that is pushing it) But with the introduction of the Harvest Bottle, are we getting a power-up for the first quarter? (Fingers cross)

Overall, it is a nice episode which shows that Nodoka's parents really love her and she is now paying back their kindness by being a better person and a Precure at the same time. Next episode, a nosy school reporter decided to investigate the girls. Can they throw the reporter off or their secret identifies as Precure will be revealed? Until then, see you in the next post!


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