Saturday, March 14, 2020

Azur Lane the Animation Ep 11 Review: The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend

Hi Everyone! This is my Azur Lane Episode 11 Review and after three months' of delay, will the show delivered what they couldn't three months ago?

In the past, Amagi was informed that Akagi and Kaga are having a fight. In the present, Enterprise entered the fight to stop the Siren Purifier however she escaped after blasting barrages of beams on everyone.

Funny, I just got Dace today when playing Azur Lane today.

Purifier handover the Black Mental cube to Observer and the Orochi ship was at full power. It fired a shot onto an abandoned island which Union Submarine Dace was trailing behind them, witnessed the destruction. 

Dace reported the matter to Azur Lane and affirmed that Kaga is working with the Sirens and is planning to destroy the world. Queen Elizabeth has already planned to have an "alliance" to take on the Sirens and Enterprise told everyone that the time has come to unite everyone to take on the Sirens.

The Sakura Empire Fleet were also chasing up to the Orochi. Eugen and her comrades were surprised by Kaga's betrayal and Eugen suspected that the Sirens might have infiltrated into every organization including Iron Blood. The Sakura Empire girls were also having their own discussion and Zuikaku immediately stood up and told everyone their mission is to get Kaga back and not fall into the Sirens' trap. (Shokaku was even proud of her sister as she has matured to a better person)

The Sirens revived Akagi and Kaga was at first happy to see her but realised that it is not the real Akagi. A shadow appeared to be Amagi and it is actually the spirit of Orochi in the form of Amagi. Amagi started taunting Kaga that she is just a substitute since parts of Amagi after her death were retrofitted onto her and Akagi is just seeing Kaga as a shadow of Amagi. Kaga was conflicted by Amagi and fall into despair. 

The Azur Lane fleet is also approaching Orochi and Javelin, Laffey and Unicorn promise Ayanami to support her in changing the mindset of the Sakura Empire people. The battle was already on the way with the Sakura Empire Fleet being overwhelmed by a large number of Humanoid Sirens. The Crane Sisters saw Kaga in the battlefield but she was with the Sirens. (Another flashback of Amagi disciplining the two Fox girls and want them to be friends and work for the Sakura Empire) 

I was giggling when Eugen makes fun of her Elder Sister, Admiral Hipper on her bust size.

Although the Iron Blood Fleet were supporting them, it was not enough until Azur Lane also joined the battle. Everyone started fighting against the Sirens and even Unicorn managed to save the Crane sisters from a crashing Zero plane. Ayanami appeared in front of Kaga and told her she is here to save everyone from the Sirens.

Enterprise and Belfast saw Akagi and Amagi on the deck of the Orochi and Akagi's mind was already brainwashed by the Sirens and forgetting about Amagi's words. The Orochi suddenly opened a pod and out came a large missile that is ready to launch. Akagi suddenly mumbled, "Let the Real War begin...."

So after three months of delay, was it worth the wait for the first half of the final battle? I will say it is since finally everyone is uniting to fight the Sirens! (which why couldn't it be sooner is anyone's guess) Poor Kaga. I knew somehow she is going to get the short end of the stick since the Sirens played her like a puppet. For those who don't know the real history, Amagi and Akagi were originally Sisters Carriers, however, Amagi suffered damages beyond repair when she was docked at the port during the 1920 Kanto Earthquake and parts of Amagi were retrofitted into Kaga who was originally a battleship. 

From the flashback, Amagi is a gentlewoman who cared a lot for everyone in the Sakura Empire. When Akagi and Kaga were having their argument, Amagi knew how to deal with them and the Fox girls know that Amagi is a very scary person despite not showing any anger. But now the Sirens are using a fake Amagi to control Akagi and Kaga to watch the world burn and hopefully the next episode, they will be able to be free from the Sirens and join up with Azur Lane.

I also like Eugen's thoughts as she suspected that the Sirens might have really manipulated the various factions which might be a hint to what might happen to Bismark and the Sirens in the Iron Blood faction if we are getting a second season. (Fingers crossed)

Overall, I can't wait for next week for the conclusion and will our heroes be able to overcome impossible odds? Until then, see you in the next post!

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