Sunday, November 8, 2020

Healin' Good Precure Ep 31 Review: The New Power! Healing Arrow!

Hi, Everyone! This is Episode 31 of Healin' Good Precure and let's continue where we left off when Mega Shindoine turned Maruyama Sensei into what is now known as a Gigabyogen! 

The girls were shocked at their teacher becoming a Gigabyogen and it overwhelms the girls in power that it forces them back to civilians form. After seeing how serious the Gigabyogen has infected the zoo, the girls went to confront it again at near the port and tried to use Healing Oasis to purify it.

However, it didn't work and the girls watched helplessly as the Gigabyogen continue its rampage. Cure Earth felt hopeless for the first time but Cure Grace told her not to give up as she know what it's like being a victim of the Byogen and how it took all her strength to overcome out and she told everyone that they cannot give up now for everyone's sake. 

The girls tried again to stop the Gigabyogen and somehow, the Healing bottles resonated with the Healing animals and it turned into a Special Healing Bottle. They used the new bottle and activated their new power- Healing Arrow and it also gave the girls a new outfit to match. (Did anyone thought of a syringe with this new item?)

They then used the new special attack-Precure Healing Good Shower and restored Maruyama back to normal. With their new powers,  the girls have a new resolve and Queen Teatine was relieved that the girls overcame their ordeal however King Byogen has other motives for this new development...

It has been a while since we saw Precures getting a new costume for their power-up episode which are usually reserved for finale or movies but I am pretty impressed with the girls' new costumes especially Grace and Fontaine who looked like Doctors. Sparkle her long curly hair and Earth looked more fashionable. I am happy that the Healing Animals also got to be part of the power-up as they are all lovable with their human partners. 

Since this is a power-up episode, it was expected that the girls failed the first time and using some miracle mumbo jumbo, everyone's feeling resonated with the Healing Bottles which granted them their power-up. Mega Shinodine still behaves like a bimbo and tried to impress King Byogen although I got a feeling that her new form won't last long since the other two generals have a rough idea that it is a bad idea to have Mega Parts inserted in their own bodies. 

Overall, a good power-up episode but I got a feeling that we might get one more power-up before the finale but then with only four more months left to end this season, Toei might have to cut down on filler episodes and jump straight to the final arc pretty soon. Next week, we are back at Chiyu's inn and her brother eagerly want to learn the family business with little success. Until then, stay safe and see you in the next post.

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