Sunday, July 31, 2016

Maho Tsukai Precure Ep 26 : Runaway Flower!

Cure Up! Rapapa! This is my review of Maho Tsukai Precure Episode 26 Review and Kotoha decided to run away after a nightmare!

When Kotoha had a nightmare of Yamoh defeating Cure Miracle and Cure Magical and he swore to hunt her down for the Linkle Emerald. Later Kotoha learned about gratitude from Mirai and Riko who make breakfast for the whole family which she make cookies (without her magic) for Mirai and Riko.

The next morning, Kotoha took some belongings and left a note of goodbye to the two girls. Morfurun caught up to her and asked what has happened to her. Kotoha explained about the nightmare and she does not want anyone to get hurt because of the Linkle Emerald. When Kotoha ate the remaining cookies and it tasted salty and wondered why did Mirai and Riko claimed it is good. (Maybe the girls like salty cookies?)

But Yamoh arrived and decided to turn himself into a giant lizard creature and trapped Kotoha in his stomach. The girls arrived and started battling Yamoh but he is too strong. Kotoha wanted the girls to run as she don't want them to get hurt and asked why did they lied about the cookies.

Cure Miracle and Cure Magical explained they love her like family which touched Kotoha and awaken the Torubillion Ruby stone. (Is that the right stone?) Kotoha broke free and also joined in the fight. Cure Felice then used the Tourbillion Ruby to create a shield and she alone defeated Yamoh who finally reverted into a lizard. After Mr Genie mocked Yamoh for his failure, the three girls decided to return home with a stronger bond...

This episode had some tense moments unlike the last two episodes which Kotoha was killing with her innocent smile. Kotoha is not dumb and knew that Yamoh will hurt her down till the end of the Earth in order to get the Linkle Emerald and he will hurt her friends.

So Kotoha decided to make some cookies by herself without using her magic and mistaken salt for sugar. (Common Cliche in making food) Though the girls didn't complain on how the cookies didn't taste bad and their reason later was kinda of simple and not awakard. Seriously, if the cookies were given to someone not related to Kotoha, they will probably complained how bad it was. But then, this is a kids' fantasy show so realism is out of the window.

I am actually surprised that Yamoh is defeated midway through the season. You will think that perhaps he will at least survive till about 3/4 of the season but no, Yamoh is defeated and reverted into a lizard like the previous generals. The battle itself was okay although Cure Felice using the Tourbillion Ruby isn't that fancy since it is just a shield.

I am starting to think if the villains in this seasons are very weak compared to the last few seasons before since now the initial wave of villains are gone and Mr Genie is taking over without any rhythm or reason.

Overall, the episode is all right and with Yamoh gone, Mr Genie decided to take charge to attack the girls as they returned to the Magic World for a school function. Until then, see you in the next post.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Maho Tsukai Precure Ep 25 : Beach Frenzy!

Cure Up! Rapapa! This is my review of Maho Tsukai Precure Episode 25 Review and the girls are heading to the beach for some Sun, Sand and Sea!

Basically, The Asahina Family together with Riko, Kotoha, Mayumi and Kana went to the beach and while Mirai's father volunteered to fix the freezer in the beach hut, the girls decided to have some fun instead.

Kotoha who misunderstood the meaning of fun instead used her magic to make things interesting-Like making a large float that can swim on it's own, creating a large watermelon and sandcastle and so on. Mirai and Riko had to reverse the spells since it is creating a large commotion on the beach.

Although Mirai and Riko did not complain to Kotoha about her behaviour, they were exhausted since they used a lot of energy. Kotoha volunteered to check how is the freezer but was tricked by Yamoh into a trap inside a cave.

Kotoha and Mofurun were ambushed by Yamoh and his Super Yokubal and Kotoha tried to fight back as Cure Felice. But Yamoh blamed her for making her friends tired because of her magic and she was shaken a bit.

However Cure Miracle and Cure Magical arrived to aid her and didn't blame her for her actions. After defeating the Yokubal, Kotoha apologies to Mirai and Riko for misue of her magic. They didn't reprimanded her but explain to her about how they are not suppose to use magic for every matter. Kotoha understand but not before using her magic one last time to restore the freezer and the girls were treated to some Strawberry Kakigori as their reward...

If this show is shown on a midnight slot, the girls will be wearing hot looking swimsuits but since the girls have hardly any body at all, we are only given kiddy swimsuits for this episode. (No Mirai's mother in a swimsuit either? I could imagine that a doujin will be about her mother hooking up with other men in the beach since her husband is only concerned of fixing the freezer!)

Kotoha still behave like a child and her presumption of fun is using her magic to surprise everyone on the beach. Of course, Mirai and Riko spent the whole day trying to prevent it from going out of control. Kotoha didn't realize how irresponsible her actions were and after being tricked and trapped by Yamoh, (Seriously, didn't she learn not to talk to strangers?)

She was being reprimanded by Yamoh of how her magic has make Mirai and Riko hate her which she nearly blamed herself. Mirai and Riko of course being good girls didn't blame her fully but explained of how she shouldn't abuse her magic so often.

Yamoh himself has became obsessed of capturing Kotoha and the Linkle Emerald and it seems he is getting orders from Dokuroxy by talking to his bones. (Although Mr Genie think that he is losing his marbles since he couldn't hear anything from the bones Yamoh gathered)

Overall, I felt it is similar to the previous episode of how Kotoha is still learning to be a human and how her magic has consequences if not used properly. The fight scene is predictable since the Super Yokubal didn't felt like a threat at all thanks to Cure Felice. (Oh yeah, Cure Felice can fly now)

Next week, Yamoh continued his plan to capture Kotoha as she decided to make cookies on her own for everyone. Until then, see you in the next post!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

My Experiences with the King of Fighters Series

My personal thoughts with the series. A non scripted thoughts of the series in general. Sorry if the sound quality was bad as I already tried my best with a sound editor.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Maho Tsukai Precure Ep 24 : Hard Work will be Rewarded!

Cure Up! Rapapa! This is my review of Maho Tsukai Precure Episode 24 Review and today Kotoha and Mofurun learn something about themselves.
After sharing the bed with Kotoha and Mofurun, Mirai felt terrible every morning. But after Mirai's Grandma suggested that Kotoha used the attic as her new room, Kotoha immediately get to work and used her magic to clear up the attic and created new furniture by herself. (Leaving Riko speechless since Kotoha is more proficiency in her magic)
But Kotoha relied on magic so much that she even tried to use her magic to help Mirai's father and Riko immediately stop her. It was then Riko explained that magic is not Omnipotent and they should used their own strength to help instead. Kotoha finally understand after helping Mirai's father and was rewarded with a glass of milk which she enjoyed it even more.
At the same time, Mofurun wanted to help in Kotoha's room and pushed a bit too hard. Mirai told her that it is all right that Mofurun has already helped them many times in the past. The two of them decided to make jewels necklace to decorate in Kotoha's room which she appreciate it.
The fight with Super Yokubal isn't interesting as Cure Felice overpowered again it with her pure strength although I find it odd that Kotoha's personality change when she is Cure Felice. As Kotoha, she is like an innocent girl curiously looking at everything around her but as Cure Felice, she became something like a Sage and fight with grace. Maybe the Linkle Emerald is her true form while Ha-Chan is a vessel that they both co-exist. (This is a little bit far fetched but hey, it's Precure!)

Overall, I felt this episode is more of character development for Kotoha and Mofurun. Riko knew how easy to get things done with magic since she too relied on magic when she first started to live on Earth. But after learning from Mirai and her family on how people can still move on without magic, she too agreed that magic is not Omnipotent. So seeing Kotoha "abusing" her magic had Riko explained on the importance of hard work and rewards which Kotoha understand it better.
As for the battles, I am pretty sure Cure Miracle and Cure Magical will return to shine the spotlight as I have a feeling that the two girls will probably get a new power up from Riko's father who is out searching clues about Mr Genie himself.

Girls, this is not how you want to get a Sun-Tan..
Not a good episode personally (There's really not much to talk about this episode) but next week might be fun as the girls goes to the beach for some Sun, Sand and Sea! (No Rizu in a swimsuit? Where is she for the last few episodes?) Unitil then, see you in the next post!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Maho Tsukai Precure Ep 23 : From a Different Angle...

Cure Up! Rapapa! This is my review of Maho Tsukai Precure Episode 23 Review and Ha-Chan or should I say Hanami Kotoha is finally back with the girls!

Continuing from last week, the two girls were too happy to see Ha-Chan again although Ha-Chan has difficulties remembering what happened to her after she send Kushi's soul to rest. But she did mentioned of hearing a voice and seeing what looked like an ocean of flowers.

The rest of the episode is basically Ha-Chan exploring the world in a different point of view with hilarious results. When she saw a cat, she immediately try to follow it and fell down, thinking she can still fly.

A more funny moment was Ha-Chan literately creating a flying broomstick using the wand of from the Linkle Smartbook and Riko's expression was priceless. However Ha-Chan lose control of the broomstick and landed where Yamoh is and he is worshipping a make shift Dokuroxy straw man.

Yamoh was tempted by Mr Genie, Rabu to continue his revenge on the Precures and to find Dokuroxy's remains. When Yamoh was teased by some kids, he got mad and created a Super Yokubal which Ha-Chan tried to stop it but she is unable to transform for reasons unknown.

The girls arrived and transformed into Topaz form. But the girls are being pushed back and Ha-Chan rushed to save them which of course in Precure cliques, it meant that Ha-Chan need to have the courage to protect the one she cared.

With that, Ha-Chan transformed and defeated the Super Yokubal in no time. When the girls finally reported back to the headmaster which is what they were supposing to be doing in the first place, the headmaster allowed Riko and Ha-Chan to remain on Earth. When Mirai's mother came to the room, Mirai quickly came up with the name Hanami Kotoha for Ha-Chan which she instantly like it...

This episode is how Ha-Chan see things differently as she is now a full grown human. She can stand beside with Mirai and Riko as a Precure but she still lack some common sense. Like how she forgotten that she can't fly or squeeze into small openings like she used to. Although the mention of a voice and that ocean of flowers will play a significant role in future episodes.

Now Yamoh is like the Dokuroxy obsessed fan whose sole purpose is to revive him and Rabu is hiding in the shadows to see how things develop whic is clearly a more sinister villain than Batty and company.

Overall, this episode really showcase Hayami Saori's performance as she played an innocent girl looking at the world differently and a courageous Precure at the same time. In the next episode, Kotoha moved into Mirai's house and started creating her own room. That magic wand of her is really useful for such occasions. Until then, see you in the next post!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Maho Tsukai Precure Ep 22 : The Sprout of Life! Cure Felice is Born!

Cure Up! Rapapa! This is my review of Maho Tsukai Precure Episode 22 Review and after the big battle with Dokuroxy, how are the girls coping when Ha-Chan left them in the previous episode?

The first half was a bit slow as the girls were leading a normal life in both school and home. But Mirai's mother could sense her hiding her emotions after Ha-Chan left them. Riko was tasked by Mirai's mother to support her daughter and they finally talked it out during a night broomstick ride.

At the same time, an unknown man (which I am guessing it is Riko's father) was updating the headmaster of his travels and discovered a broken lamp in the desert. An evil looking genie revived Yamoh and he went to collect some of Dokuroxy's bones and used it against the girls.

The girls were getting beaten by the new Super Yokubal until Mofurun reminded them with a cup of milk to always smile no matter what happened. The Linkle Smartbook glowed and a young girl appeared in front of them.

So Cure Felice is doing her version of Tenbu Korin from Saint Seiya Shaka?

The girl then used the Linkle Smartbook to transform into Cure Felice. She defeated the Yokubal in no time and introduce herself to the girls who were stumped at first. But Mirai recognize her face and realise she is Ha-Chan! She returned back to the girls with open arms...

The new opening sequences with Ha-Chan

The New Ending Song sung by the three girls

This episode is pretty decent for the introduction of Cure Felice. Mirai and Riko were kinda of wondering what should they do with their lives after defeating Dokuroxy in the beginning. Riko was able to focus on her studies which make her the top student in the school. But Mirai has doubts in the first half and it make sense since Mirai is like Megumi who doesn't have a goal or dream before becoming a Precure and now with everything is over (for a moment) what should Mirai be focusing now?

Thanks to Mirai's mother who know her daughter like the back of her hand, asked Riko to help support Mirai in her time of anxiety. Sure enough, the two girls had a pep talk and decided to go and have a fun time in the town. 

The mysterious Genie character which I haven't figure out his name doesn't seem to be part of the Dark Magician group as he was just observing (and reviving) Yamoh who is spotted with long hair. So it will be interesting to see what Mr Genie's agenda is in future episodes. Yamoh himself is filled with vengeance against the girls and use Dokuroxy's bones which was shattered in the previous episode and turned it into Super Yokubal creatures. (Although I find that the headmaster didn't realize that even a bone piece of Dokuroxy can be used for evil during the episode)

Finally we have Ha-Chan who is now Cure Felice. I find her all right although Toei gave her a puff up skirt which I really dislike and her design remind me of those Hippie girls in the 60s and 70s. (You mean, the more sunlight Cure Felice absorb, the higher she get?)

At least Cure Felice can defend herself (Cure Scarlet, Cure Moonlight and Milky Rose will always be the badass cures in the series) and her new item which resemble a microphone with a rose on it was her finisher move.

The last scene was very sweet of Ha-Chan to give a smile to the girls and they welcome back her like old friends. As I predicted before in the first episode, Hayami Saori is finally a Precure and we have probably one of the better casting in the series. (Now if only Nazuka Kaori will join as a Precure then my Ultimate Precure Onee-Chan Harem can be completed!)

For a former fairy with wings, Ha-Chan sure has problems flying a normal Magic Broomstick.

In the next episode, Ha-Chan begin her life as a full fledged human with the girls but first, she must learn how to fly a broomstick which seems to be the hardest thing for her at the moment! Until then, see you in the next review!