Sunday, May 31, 2015

Go Princess Precure Ep 18 Top 3 Moments and Review: Secrets of the Flower Princess

Gokigenyou! This is my review of Go Princess Precure episode 18 and today Haruka met the author of her favourite book-The Flower Princess.

No 3: Haruka meet Mochizuki, the author of her favourite book!

Basically Haruka got a chance to meet Mochizuki at a book gallery and she wanted to know more about the Flower Princess. According to the story, the Flower Princess was betrayed by a jealous little bird and an evil witch. However the little bird learned of his mistakes and freed the Flower Princess. She forgive him and they continue their journey to meet a Prince from a nearby country.

Haruka wanted to know if the Flower Princess did meet the Prince however Mochizuki didn't continue the story and claimed she wrote the story for her daughter when she was young. But she wanted her readers to create their own futures and used the book as an inspiration for people working towards their dreams (I am guessing something like that based on her explanation)

No 2: Twilight vs Go Princess Precure!

Twilight was granted a more powerful Dress Up Key from Dyspear and went to trap everyone in the gallery into glass panels. She used her new powers on her staff and took the girls with ease. Furthermore, she created traps all around and both Cure Mermaid and Cure Twinkle were hit with deadly flames.

Cure Flora tried to take on Twilight but to no avail and she continue to mock the three Cures that they are not worthy of being a Princess. She even resort to burning Cure Flora's book which Cure Flora barely saved it from being turned to ashes.

No 1: Lily Dress Up Key and Trinity Explosion!

Must resist Yuri jokes...

Cure Flora saved her book from being burned and still believe in her dreams in becoming a real Princess. Suddenly her book glowed and the Lily Dress Up Key appeared. She used her new power-Lily Tourbillion and together with the other two Cures, they were given a new Mode Elegant and their new combination attack-Trinity Explosion!

Twilight was overwhelmed by their combined powers and landed on her knees. She saw herself on a mirror how pathetic she look and swore revenge on them...

Wow! I never expected such a good episode despite how the title episode sounds like a filler episode. We actually learned the story of the Flower Princess through Haruka and it somehow mirror what Haruka is going through now. She is the Flower Princess while the little bird could be Kanata or even Twilight. Since there is an evil witch involved in the story, it could referred to Dyspear.

Mochizuki was not surprised by Haruka's question of the conclusion of the story but I believed she left the ending open because she wanted her readers to create their own endings and work hard for their futures. But after seeing a glimpse of Cure Flora after she was rescued, she too decided to move a step forward and returned to Noble Academy as her role as the headmaster of the school! (What a twist!) Who is to say that this is not the last we see Mochizuki as she might have leads about the Hope Kingdom.

Of course, the main highlight is between Twilight and the three girls who were almost outmatched by her new Black Dress Up Key given by Dyspear. She actually took down all three girls and called them fake princesses.

Twilight even tried to burn Cure Flora's book but she saved it and due to her belief, the Lily Dress Up Key appeared from her book. Like the Rose Tourbillion, it created a Lily flower and weakened Twilight. The three girls then combined their powers and it granted a new Elegant Form and the new Trinity Explosion (complete with ribbons!) But seeing how Twilight taste her first defeat, she is definitely coming back with a vengeance in a future episode!

Overall, I give this episode an A! Seeing why Haruka was inspired by the Flower Princess story and learning more from Mochizuki, I am cheering her and the other two girls on their belief to work towards their dreams. The battle is pretty good with a lot of hand to hand combats and seeing what will Dyspear and Twilight are plotting next against the girls!

Next episode, the girls in the dorms get to play a treasure hunt game indoors and meanwhile Kanata is being attacked by shadows beings! Find out more next week! Until then, Gokigenyou!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Go Princess Precure Ep 17 Top 3 Moments and Review: Runaway Star!

Gokigenyou! This is my review of Go Princess Precure episode 17 and today the girls meet Kirara's Supermodel Mother, Stella!

No 3: Meet Amanogawa Stella, International Supermodel Mom!

Basically Stella was invited by Bauanne (from episode 5) to do a fashion show with Kirara. Stella was being friendly to Kirara and her friends which got her a bit uncomfortable. Stella even make a call to Shirogane for the girls to stay at her apartment for the night.

Stella and the girls went shopping and even took a photo together at a photo booth. Kirara didn't play along and was teased by Stella which got her even more annoyed. The girls went to Stella's apartment where everything is a mess but Kirara took this chance to clean up the house for her. Haruka and Minami also learned that Kirara's father is a famous Hollywood actor and is now in Brazil filming a movie.

No 2: Kirara's misunderstanding with her mother.

When they went to the runaway for rehearsal, the working staff were immersed by Stella's performance however no one took an another look at Kirara's performances. This got Kirara to feel the pressure which she later confronted her mother on why she isn't anxious about the show.

Stella jokefully replied that she is a genius which caused a fall out between her and Kirara. The next day, Kirara got over her argument with her mother and decided to act professional before the show. Bauanne approached her and told her she looked happy today. Kirara then realised that Stella has been secretly helping her to perform better for the show.

No 1: A gift from Mom-The Shooting Star Dress Up Key!

Twilight and Shut crashed into the show and turned Stella into two Zetsuborgs! Kirara actually saw her mother's dream which is to for both of them to perform together on the runaway. Although Kirara and the others transformed to battle, they have problems handling both Zetsuborgs.

It was until Cure Twinkle claimed that she has always been looking up to her mother since she performed on the runaway and her dream too is to perfom with her together. Suddenly the Shooting Star Dress Up Key appeared from Stella's body and Cure Twinkle used it and it's attack-Meteor Humming to weaken the Zetsuborgs. After that the Cures finish off the Zetsuborg and saved Stella.

When everything went back to normal and the show was a success, Kirara proclaimed that her dream is to be an international model like her mother and Stella welcome her the challenge...

Compared to last week's episode about Minami and her relationship with Tina the dolphin, I actually find this episode to be more related since Stella do care alot about Kirara. Stella is voiced by Ohara Sayaka (One of my favourite Seiyuu!) and she played the carefree mother perfectly opposite Kirara.

She actually knew how Kirara is feeling the pressure of performing in such a big stage and tried all means to make her relaxed. However Kirara misunderstood her actions as a form of embarrassment in front of her friends. It was until Bauanne told her that she looked good today and when Stella's dream is revealed, she then realised that her mother really do love her a lot.

This granted Kirara the Shooting Star Dress Up Key from Stella (Though how did it ended up inside Stella's body is a big question mark?) and her attack-Meteor Humming which showered hundreds of shooting stars at the Zetsuborg was a big improvement to Cure Mermaid's Bubble Ripple.

Overall, I give this episode an A! (Last week's episode I didn't gave a rating but it is a B) Stella was great (and Hot!) and I love her carefree attitude towards Kirara and her friends. She might be a bit of an airhead but she really love her daughter and look for the day when Kirara will become an International Supermodel like her in the future.

One question-Why Kirara is using her mother's family name instead of her father since her father's name is Takamagahara Ken? Is there something Kirara is not telling us?

Next week, Haruka finally met the author of her favourite book-The Flower Princess but Twilight has plans to deal with her and an unavoidable confrontation will begin! What will happen next? Find out in the next episode! Until then, Gokigenyou!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Robot Girls Z Plus Ep 1 Review: Only 8 minutes Long!?

Hi everyone! Look like everyone forgot about that Robot Girls Z Plus (or Season 2) is also part of the Spring Anime line up but it is also because it is only 8 minutes long! So what crazy adventures the Toei Robot girls are up to this time around?

Basically the episode is Bossborokko (Boss Robot) trying to join Team Z but Z Chan keep rejecting her which resulted in a comedic (Slightly sadist) fight between the two girls. However they were interrupted by a new enemy-Combined Beast Girl Bong who went on a rampage.

But the new Team G which comprised of Geccha Dragon (Getta Dragon), Liger Sama (Getta Liger) and Po Chan (Getta Poseidon) make quick work of Bong although Grenda San wonder where did she came from?

First off, it is nice to see Team Z again after a year and they still remind the same. Z Chan is headstrong and reckless, Gre Chan pointed out trivial matters while playing her video game. (Including a mention of a particular popular online game about Military girls) Grenda San is the nice elder sister and the new inclusive of Bossborokko who is voiced by Taketatsu Ayana was hilarious! A nice change from her usual cutesy girl roles which she is used to voice for. Boss Robot in the original series love to pick fights with Mazinger Z and here the rivalry is so funny that you feel sorry for Bossborokko since she got picked on by everyone. (I am pretty sure she will have a moment to shine in future episodes although the chance is slim)

Next is the newly Team G which is based on Getta Robo G. Geccha Dragon is her usual arrogant self but I love her new design based on Getta Dragon since I always loved Getta Dragon more than Getta One. Liger is the polite Japanese girl who speak in traditional Japanese manner and Po Chan is hyperactive and deal a cool swing with her baseball bat. Although we are also getting Jeeg San in the next episode and her new companion, Paan San which is based on Paanazoid the robot horse. (Grenda and Gre Chan even make a funny comment that Jeeg San is too old to be called a girl when they didn't see her together with Team G)

Overall, a good start since the first episode start off with the introduction of new characters unlike the previous season that took the last episode to get everyone together. However the only grip I have and still the major flaw of this show is why it is so short? Furthermore, every new episode is aired on the 20th of every month until November! Really Toei, you couldn't find anyone to do more episodes or make it longer? Until then, see you next month for Robot Girls Z Plus!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Go Princess Precure Ep 16 Top 3 Moments and Review: A Gift from the Ocean

Gokigenyou! This is my review of Go Princess Precure episode 16 and today the girls arrived at the Kaido Resort for some Sun, Sand and Sea!

No 3: Welcome to Kaido Resort!

The girls went to the Kaido Resort owned by Minami's older brother, Wataru for some R and R. Minami looked up to her brother and he is the ideal boss for the resort since everyone on the island enjoyed working for him.

They had some fun in the resort and learned from Wataru that Minami used to hate swimming but she got over it because of an incident when she was young. Minami even had a dolphin friend named Tina whom she introduce to everyone. We later find out that Tina saved Minami from drowning when she was young and even gave Tina her own name.

No 2: Double the Zetsuborg!

After seeing Minami and Wataru enjoying themselves, Twilight immediately granted Shut and Lock a power boost and turned Wataru and a stall owner into Zetsuborg. Cure Mermaid battled the whale Zetsuborg in the water while the other two Cures battle the Octopus Zetsuborg on land.

But Cure Flora and Cure Twinkle got their hands tied (Literally) by the Octopus Zetsuborg and the Whale Zetsuborg was giving Cure Mermaid a hard time. Tina took a hit for Cure Mermaid from the Zetsuborg while protecting her and both of them fell deeper into the abyss.

No 1: Cure Mermaid's new power-Bubble Dress Up Key!

Before the battle, Kanata communicate through the Princess Pad that a new Dress Up Key is close by them and true enough, it was near Cure Mermaid's location. Her love for Tina actually granted the key to her and heal Tina's injuries.

It was then Cure Mermaid used her new Bubble Dress Up Key to immobilise the Whale Zetsuborg and freed the others from the Octopus Zetsuborg. After that the girls finished off the Zetsuborgs and freed Wataru and the stall owner.

Initially I thought this episode will be another filler just to introduce Minami's brother, Wataru but it turned out to be the beginning of the new Dress Up Keys arc. Wataru is the nice older brother who probably is every little sister's ideal brother. (Joke: Does that make Minami a Bro con?) No wonder Minami looked up to him and strive to live by his example.

But the best part is actually her relationship with Tina the dolphin. Although I wonder is Tina able to understand what Minami is talking or she really can speak to dolphins? Either way, I like how the flashback and today's episode mirror each other since in both cases, Tina saved Minami from danger and it touched Minami's heart. Although it will be interesting (or sadistic) if Tina actually died and Minami went all Super Saiyan (Figure of speech) to take down the Zetsuborg but you know, for kids!

Bubble Dress Up Key was okay although the execution is lazy since Bubble Ripple is a photo shop of Ice and Mermaid Ripple. Since the other two girls have not got their new keys, the final blow is still the same instead of Cure Mermaid using Bubble Dress Up Key to change her form.

Other than that, Twilight's reaction to the Kaido siblings is suspicious since she felt a strange feeling from them. (It is the power of Love!) Can we speculate that Twilight has a dark secret that she is unaware of? Is it possible that it is connected to Kanata? Only future episodes will tell us.

In the next episode, Kirara's mother Stella come to visit her. Everyone was happy to see the international Supermodel except Kirara who is feeling embarrassed. (Spoiler-Cure Twinkle get her new Dress Up Key next!) Until then, see you next week! Gokigenyou!