Monday, December 31, 2012

Quick Picks: Aoi Sekai no Chuushin de Ep 2

Aoi Sekai no Chuushin de Ep 2: Tejirof started training Gear and later he explained about them being labelled as "Killers" and the history of the Console Land.

Tejirof trained Opal to rely on her shooting abilities and Nel on her online skills. Finally the team was ready to rescue General Alex from the castle of Tatoland. As the main forces create a distraction, the four of them encountered a mortally wounded scout.

The scout want one of them to "absorb" him however Tejirof told him he is too weak to do anything and the scout passed on. Gear asked the reason of "absorb" which explained "Killers" have the abilities to absorb a person's powers before the person died.

However they were interrupted by Bays, one of the Killers of Tatoland. Tejirof managed to trap him in a light wall and they quickly arrived at the dungeon. But another Killer, D. Fisher blocked their path.

Opal hold him off and Gear found Alex's cell. He was shocked to discover that Alex is his long lost father...

I was really fascinated by the history of the Console Land. Tejirof explained that the land was once ruled by the Atarika Empire which is a pun word for Atari Gaming and their empire fell after it became corrupted and the Ninteldo Empire took over them. Each of the Ninteldo general is a Killer however there are other opposing lands that is against Ninteldo.

One of them happened to be Myumoto from the Elil Republic which is actually Yuusha from Enix's Dragon Quest Series who is on par with King Marcus of Ninteldo. Opal's shooting is believed to be created by the legendary killer-I.Vazer which is Space Invaders and it is the first shooter game of it's kind.

Ever Nel's abilities-Online is actually related to Phantasy Star Online and Tejirof even commented she will be a late bloomer and her powers won't reach full potential now. Bays and D.Fisher are probably Bubble Bobbles and Darius which are from Taito which I could see the similarities. Bays blow a bubble pipe while D.Fisher looked like the first boss in the Darius Shooting Game.

Gear's father is Alex which is a reference to Alex Kidd-the first action character from Sega. Once Sonic the Hedgehog came to the scene, Alex Kidd step down which I am sure Gear will absorb Alex's power since he is already weakened.

Anyway, the next episode won't be out soon. But I can't wait see more of these characters in action. Until, Happy New Year and may your wishes come true in 2013!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

DIGI NEWS: Ultraman All Stars Chronicle on PSP

After having Ultraman Fighting Evolution Zero in the PSP for more than five years, we are finally getting a Ultraman Stand alone game and it is an RPG stragety game!

The game will have every Ultraman Characters (Expect Jonais, Powered and Great) in an original story where all of their enemies have gathered to take all the Ultras and it is up to our heroes to fight back and regain their power.

It will be out on March 7th 2013 on PSP (I wish it will be on Vita so that we can take advantage of it's graphics)

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Quick Picks: Busou Shinki Ep 12 FINAL

Busou Shinki Ep 12 FINAL: Hina woke up with all her memories deleted. She is now convinced by Jindo and his two Shinki that she is one of them.

Meanwhile, Ann and the others were planning a surprise party for Hina but they were wondering why she hasn't return home since last night. Later the two cat Shinki told them that Hina went off with Iris.

Kurara claimed Iris's owner is Jindo who is an obsessive Shinki collector and Victoria is also his Shinki. When the Shinki arrived, they found Hina has lost her memories and they fell into a trap. They pretend to run out of energy and trick Iris into opening the door.

Ann went to find Hina while the others hold off the rest of the Shinkis. Ann tried to convince Hina but she wasn't listening. Ann managed to stab the thumb drive containing their photos on Hina and it reawaken her.

Hina remember who she was and she then battled Victoria. Victoria was too strong until Ann threw her jet pack to Hina and with it, defeated Victoria. They quickly escaped and apologize to Rihito who was waiting for them.

While the police have arrived to arrest Jindo, the Shinki celebrate Hina's birthday and everything went back to normal...

So that's the end of Busou Shinki. This show is more of a love letter to those who collect the toy line and I think now a lot of people are trying to get an Ann model or Hina model which I heard it is pretty expensive now. The story itself isn't really interesting as most of the time, the girls get into trouble in their everyday life. Rihito is a boring character as there is not character development between him and the Shinki. Even this last two episodes where they introduced Jindo and his Shinki is really rush and it was over in a matter of minutes. Overall, a good attempt to introduce new fans to the toy line but the story is a weak one.

P.S: Girls und Panzer has just released episode 10.5 which they introduced the different tanks used by different teams. I am not going to review this episode until they released the last two episodes which will be out next March or April.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Smile Precure Ep 44: Miyuki's Imaginary Friend

It is the Christmas Season and Miyuki was running to meet her friends at the shopping district. She accidentally fell down but was help by a mother and daughter pair. Miyuki saw the girl has a mirror necklace which make her recall something from her past.  

Meanwhile, Wolfrun was frustrated of his failure and decided to bet on the last black ball and aim for Cure Happy. Miyuki met Akane and the others and told them about her time with her grandmother as a child.

She used to be shy among people and her only love is reading fairy tales. Tae gave Miyuki a mirror necklace and she treasure it. However she still couldn't get along with the neighbouring kids and ran into the forest crying.

Suddenly a young girl wearing a straw hat appeared in front of her and they immediately became friends. One day, Miyuki drew a story book for the young girl to see but met up with the neighbouring kids. She want to make friends with them but was too shy. But a voice told Miyuki to be brave and she greeted them. The neighbouring kids welcome her and Miyuki was happy about it.

Later, Miyuki couldn't find the straw hat girl and no one knew who she was. She suspected that she could be a mirror spirit however she was glad she met her and gave her the courage to make friends and to be happy in life.

The girls found the same little girl earlier and she got separated with her mother. Miyuki accompanied the girl whose name is Yura (Not sure that is the correct spelling) and mentioned about her mirror necklace. Yura claimed her mother gave it to her as she is a crybaby and hope she can be strong.

Last Turn!

Suddenly Wolfrun sucked Bad End energy among the people and challenge Miyuki. She transformed and Wolfrun used the black ball to turn a house into an Akanbe. He was full of rage and was beating Cure Happy to a plup.

Wolfrun claimed he hate her for everything she stands for however Cure Happy told her it was meeting her friends, families, classmates and Candy that she was able to move forward and she will protect them no matter what. (I am guessing this part as they were saying some complicated things)

All living things in the world, give me your LOVE!!!

Cure Happy is doing a variation of Goku's Spirit Bomb! Cure Happy has the strongest attack!

Suddenly Cure Happy got a new surge of power and overwhelmed Wolfrun. She then used her new attack-Precure Happy Shower Shining to weaken him. Wolfrun wasn't giving up but the others have arrived.

One more left!

They changed to Princess Form and defeated the Akanbe and got a new decor. After Wolfrun retreated and everything went back to normal, Miyuki thanked the others for everything they went through and admired the falling snow in the night...

So Miyuki's childhood friend happened to be an imaginary or a real spirit (Who knows?) and if she didn't appear, Miyuki might end up being a shy girl and feeling negative about herself. Somehow it is similar to Tsubomi/Cure Blossom and Tsubomi took longer to come out of her shell. But it is a bit creepy that Miyuki could still remain composed after the straw hat girl whisper in her ear.

Wolfrun on the other hand was really packing and and those craze eyes of his scare the hell out of me. I felt the story was pretty weak in this episode even though it is more of Miyuki preaching and using her "guts" to defeat Wolfrun. I was expecting the straw hat girl to appear but no...Toei is a troll sometimes..

Anyway, next episode is the beginning of the end as Pierrot's seed has landed on Earth and the Bad End Generals have become Berserker versions of themselves to battle the girls. Of course, the arrival of the UItra Decor which Cure Happy will become Ultra Cure Happy. But we will only see this episode next year on 6 January as Smile Precure is taking a break next week!

To all my viewers, an Early Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you in two week's time!

P.S: Once Doki Doki Precure announced the voice cast, I will be probably doing a V-Log regarding what I think of Doki Doki Precure before the show start on February.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Quick Picks: Busou Shinki Ep 11, Girls und Panzer Ep 10, Chuni Byo Ep 12 FINAL

Busou Shinki Ep 11: As the Shinki were discussing about Kurara's entry into the Shinki Battle Tournament, a man named Jindo was watching the monitor and Hina's picture appeared.

Hina later found a letter addressed to Rihito claiming she was only a monitor Shinki and is to be send back to the makers due to error. She has doubts but ignored it after they went to the tournament.

At the tournament, Kurara's first opponent was last year's champion-Victoria who is the same model as Hina. Victoria won the match and eventually won the tournament again. The Shinki met another Straft model named Iris who claimed Hina is her sister.

Hina has no idea who she is but remain curious. She later went met Iris who took her to see their master who happened to be Jindo and Victoria is also his Shinki. Victoria and Iris show Hina around but lured her into a trap and they planned to delete all her memories...

Finally some storyline which is a cliche theme. An obsessive collector want Hina as his own and her memories with Ann and the others will be deleted. Can Ann find her and bring her back or the four main Shinki will be one Shinki short? Find out next week for the answer!

Girls und Panzer Ep 10: The Victor is clear and it was Ooari Girls who advance to the finals! After the match, Katyusha shake Miho's hand and wished her well in the finals.

The girls later went around to find some more tanks and even scouted the automobile club and the Online game club to join the team. Even Hana finally make up with her mother at her flower marking exhibition and Saori got her 2nd class radio operator licence.

Finally the final match has arrived. All of Miho's previous opponents wished her well as they also sit in to watch the match. Ooari and Black Forest Peaks faced each other and greeted each other. A member of Black Forest Peaks thank Miho for saving her team in last year's incident which she felt more motivated.

The match begins however Black Forest Peaks ambushed them and lost the Online game tank in the process...

So we are at the final match and it will take all of Miho's commands to defeat her better and more superior in numbers elder sister, Maho. However the bad news is next week is an another summary episode as episode 11 and 12 will be shown on next March as a TV special. So until then, let wish the Ooari's Girls well and hope they make it through this final match! See you in March 2013!

Chuni Byo Ep 12 FINAL: As Rikka and her mother visited her father's grave, Yuuta saw Sanae has given up being a Chuni-Byo however it is Kumin who become a Chuni-Byo claiming she inherited Rikka's Tyrant Eye.

Yuuta found out Rikka has moved back with her grandparents and is not coming back anymore. He tried to catch the last train but it was too late. He later discovered a letter which he sent to himself two years ago.

It was written that he will give up being a Chuni-Byo and lead a normal life. However he will feel that his life is not complete. He decided to find Rikka and lend Isshiki's bicycle to get there. Along the way, he met Kumin and she explained Rikka become a Chuni-Byo was because she saw him behaving the same way two years ago.

Yuuta called out to Rikka and they quickly ran off thanks to Isshiki and the others who came to distract Rikka's grandfather and the police. He took her to the beach and somehow show her the "Unseen Horizon"

Rikka finally saw her late father and thank him. They quickly ran off again after a police car spotted them. A few days later, Rikka moved back and once again appeared on Yuuta's balcony...

So is Chuni Byo a good one? Yes and No. Let's talk about the good things-One, it has a fun cast. Yuuta and Shinka are former Chuni Byo and tried all means to hide it. Rikka's reasons was more of escaping her father's death but more to the influence to Yuuta's Dark Flame Master. The rest of the cast was all right, providing the comic relief.

Now the bad things. I was expecting Rikka to drag Yuuta back to being a Chuni Byo which will results in many hilarious situations. However the mellow drama begin once they went to the grandparents' house. Yuuta found out Rikka's reason and he want to help her being normal again. However it backfired, resulting her getting an almost emotional breakdown. But thank god, Yuuta (soft of) saved the day, using his "powers" and letting Rikka see her father one last time.

In the end, even the narrator claimed everyone have some form of Chuni Byo in their life. It is just a matter of when you stop believing it and move ahead. However that doesn't mean you have to give up completely. It will be with you somehow and it is one of the small things in life that we can look back and feel good about yourself. So take care and always look ahead!