Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tiger & Bunny Ep 18: The tables turn and turn again...

Tiger returned to the office where he was welcomed by the other heroes. He realised Bunny is not around as he went to the hospital to interrogate Kriem who has just woke up from a coma.

Tiger gave a call to his mother and told her that he has not broke the news of his retirement. She was angry and even complained that Kaede is wrecking the house with her powers.

Tiger met Bunny at the hospital and realised that Kriem is feeling depressed after hearing Jake's death. They talked to her again and she told them about Jake's ideal world of NEXT people being treated as superiors. Kriem was treated with as a outcast when she is young and Jake tried to kidnap her for ransom.

However her family did not pay the ransom, which Jake let her go. But Kriem decided to follow him as he accepted her as a person. Bunny then asked why Jake killed his parents. However Kriem told him on the night of the murder, Jake was with her while waiting for the ransom the whole time. She then took off the life support system and died after that.

Bunny was disheartened and Tiger decided not to told him about his retirement. They look back all the footage of Jake during the bomb crisis and discovered that Jake does not have a tattoo as describe by Bunny's account during the murder.

Tiger's mother called him and claimed Kaede has magnetic powers now which Bunny overheard it. He misunderstood Tiger for wanting to go back to his family and didn't hear the next part.

Bunny then started to have visions of different people during the murder. He began to call his old housekeeper, Samantha and interrogate her. Tiger interrupted him claiming that he is acting too rash. Bunny then wondered should he retire instead cause of his current state.

Later that night, Tiger called Kaede and discovered she has the power to copy a NEXT abilities just by touching while Bunny has nightmares of his parents' murders...

Back to square one, I suppose. So if Jake didn't killed Bunny's parents then who did? Bunny's memories is totally screwed up cause of it and the only lead is the Ouroboros tattoo on the right hand. Bunny want to give up being a hero cause of a setback? That's suck! Compare to Tiger's problems, he really doesn't know the heaviness of the situation. Kaede has a cool power which hopefully can aid Tiger in the future. (If he can solve the current situation first.)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Tiger & Bunny Ep 17: Family Ties

Tiger requested for some time off from his boss to visit his family. Bunny ensured him that he can handle the job himself. Tiger returned to his hometown and was "welcomed" by his elder brother, Matsaru who is working in a liquor store.

When Tiger arrived home, he meet his mother and went to his daughter Kaede's room. He found out that she is a big fan of Bunny. Kaede came home and was annoyed by Tiger's actions.

During dinner, she gave the cold shoulder to him. He compensated by giving her a signed autograph of Bunny's new book but were still in bad terms.

Tiger went to meet his brother at the liquor store and he confessed that he is losing his powers gradually. Matsaru advised him that it is not the end of the world if he finally lost his power.

Tiger recalled that his dying wife, Tomoe told him to protect the citizens as it is his responsibility. After his last rescue, he got a call from the hospital that Tomoe has passed away. He doubt to himself whether he did the right thing all these times.

The next day, Tiger's mother collapse which worried Kaede. Tiger ensured her that it was nothing serious but she rebutted back telling him that he doesn't know anything. He went to Tomoe's grave and met Matsaru. He told Tiger that Kaede is worried that she will be all alone if grandmother passed away due to the fact she lost her mother already.

After school, Kaede went to a nearby shrine to pray for her grandmother's health when a heavy downpour begin. She took shelter in the shrine but some trees were uprooted and blocked the doors.

She tried to call for help but there was no signal. Tiger and Matsaru went to find for her which Tiger used his power to find her. He found her and escaped before the whole shrine collapsed.

Finally, Tiger decided to tender his resignation and returned to the city. He promise Kaede that he will come back and take care of her. As the train leave, Kaede passed a drawing of their family to him which in the midst, she displayed NEXT abilities. Tiger was proud of her and found a new hope in his life...

An interesting back story of Tiger and his relationship with his family. His brother does not like his attitude of shouldering everything to himself. Kaede is really worried about her status as Tiger isn't here to do his role as a father. I am glad that they resolved the issue in this episode and even Kaede is displaying NEXT abilities.

Tiger's relationship with Tomoe is similar to an Elseworld Marvel story called Spiderman: Reign where Mary Jane is dying but told Peter to save the city as it was his responsibility. However Mary Jane died after that. The only difference is Peter gave up being Spiderman but Tiger pressed on and channel his energy on helping more people.

In the next episode, Jake's right hand lady, Kriem is awaken from her coma which Bunny need to press her on more information of Oroboros.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Queen's Gate: Spiral Chaos on PSP

On 28/7/11, we will be getting Queen's Gate: Spiral Chaos on the PSP. Some of you know or might not know that it is a sequel to Queen's Blade: Spiral Chaos a few years back. But this time, Banpresto has pulled the stop and gave us fans of anime and video games a treat! By bringing some of our popular and hot female characters together for one awesome game!

How did this game come about? Originally Hobby Japan did the Queen's Blade series but they decided to do a spin-off using existing franchises and several characters will used for their Queen's Gate Series which are game books based on the "Lost Worlds" series.

The game is using a similar game system from Super Robots Wars given that it is from the same staff. The only difference is the attack commands which we can choose how to attack and when to attack. After damaging your enemy's armor, you can choose which part of the armor to break which will cause embarrassment to the enemy and even defeat without deleting their health to zero.

A ten-minute promo video of the game which include the game system and casts.

The Opening Movie of the Game-See how many characters can you find?

Some of the cast will include the following:
Shiranui Mai from Fatal Fury, Dizzy from Guilty Gear, Jubei from Samurai Girls, Lili from Tekken, Noel from Blazblue, Ivy from Soul Caliber, Iroha from Samurai Spirits, Hattori from Ichiban Ushiro no Dai-Mao-Oh and the entire cast of Queen's Blade. (The only character which I hope for but didn't appear is Kasumi from Dead or Alive which she is part of the Queen's Gate series)

I played the first one and I enjoy it and now with these new entires, it keep my blood pumping for more! (I know some of you want to rip Mai or Ivy's clothes off! For me, it's Iroha and Mina who are my favourites from Samurai Spirits)

When the game come, hopefully I can give some review about it!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Tiger & Bunny Ep 16-No Evil escape my sight!

Tiger and Bunny are chasing a criminal when Lunatic appeared. He tried to kill the criminal but was stopped by Tiger. However Tiger's power drained out before he could catch up with Lunatic.

Later, Mr Maverick hosted a party for the heroes and congratulate for beating Mr Legend's record of catching the most criminals in one season.

Tiger was feeling grouchy to himself and Bunny asked him. Bunny explained that Mr Maverick took him in after his parents were murdered and now he is repaying him back as a hero for Mr Maverick.

Back home, Tiger wrote down the process of his power deterring in a notebook and wonder how to himself. He then relaxed himself by watching old videos of Mr Legend after that.

The Justice Department want to capture a serial killer named Beniot AKA Lady Killer which they hoped the heroes could take him alive. Yuri recalled that he killed his father who is happened to be Mr Legend after he beat up his mother. Yuri's mother was traumatised by the events and is behaving senile at home.

Later, Tiger met Ben again and further explained about his conditions. Ben told him that Mr Legend was suffering a similar condition like Tiger which resulted him being in a slump. Ben advised Tiger to stop being a hero before things get worse. He refused and later he heard a scream from Beniot's latest victim.

He tried to stop Beniot however his power was gone before he could capture him. Beniot took the chance and flung Tiger off the monorail and he landed on a garage tank.

Yuri as Lunatic swore to kill every criminals based on Mr Legend's policy of not ignoring any evil doings. He confronted Beniot and killed him.

The next morning, Tiger woke up and realised that Lunatic has killed Beniot on the news. He cursed himself in the rainy morning...

So Mr Legend is Yuri's Father and he murdered him in order to save his mother. Yet no one knew about it as they claimed Mr Legend as MIA. Yuri was also brainwashed by his father to go after every criminals in wrong doings which explained his obsession in killing every criminals. I am still suspecting that Mr Maverick has some ulterior motives in taking in Bunny when his parents died.

How can an outsider who is a friend of Bunny's parents could just take him out and bring him back to his home just to see his parents killed? It sounds too good to be true. What about Tiger? Mr Legend was obsessed in protecting the city that he went into a slump. Now Tiger is facing the same problem too. Hope he can get over it and get some help from Bunny and the others!

First Impressions: Blade Ep 3, R-15 Ep 2, Ro-Kyu-Bu Ep 3, Mayo Chiki Ep 2, Idolmaster Ep 2

Blade Ep 3: After Japan, Blade travel to Philipines with his mentor, Noah Van Helsing and Makoto stow away in a ship. After Makoto found out Blade's vampire secret, Noah explained her about Blade's past. Along the way, they were attacked by some flying vampires that look like Harpies. Noah's dog could even kill one of them with his bite. (A dog that kill vampires?! Cool!) Of course, Noah was captured by the vampire harpies and Blade will have to travel to Philipines to save his mentor.

R-15 Ep 2: Taketo's delusions continue with the school idol, Utae. However after knowing that Utae is worry about her career as an idol, Taketo decided to play poetary and immesure Utae into "Arabian Nights." Utae became a better idol after that thanks to Taketo. Well, Taketo isn't that bad in helping girls solving their problems with the power of Porn. By the way, the chief and the camera girl isn't that bad looking at all.
Attack of the Fifty-Foot Airi!

Ro-Kyu-Bo Ep 3: Subaru began the training for the girls. Airi, the tallest of the group has an inferior complex over her height which Subaru used reserve psychology to trick into thinking that she is "small." When the match began with the boys, the girls are pretty good expect they face their biggest weakness-Fatigue!

Mayo Chiki Ep 2: Kinjiro's three problems-First, he must teach Subaru how to be a girl by going on a date. He used an absoulte order on Subaru (Which is just a paper order given by Kanade) and what did he command her to do? Bam like a sheep! Second-Hiding Subaru's identify during the school health test which his class mistake him for having a special relationship with her. Finally, his sister is falling in love with the Bulter Subaru after defeating her. Kinjiro's days are getting just"better" every day.  

Idolmaster Ep 2: The girls go for a reshoot for their profile photos. Iori, Yayoi and the twins tried to prove that they are better than the other girls But it back-fire and the producers gave a pep talk to them of just being themselves. Nothing special about this episode and why does the ending song is a Kugimiya Rie's single? (Oh yeah, Kugimiya is doing Iori which I prefer Tamura Yukari's Iori in Xenoglossia)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

First Impressions-R-15, Nekogami Yaoyorozu, Baka Test S2, Itsuki Tenma no Kuro Usagi, Manyu Hiken Chou, Crossie Ep 2, Sacred Seven Ep 2, Blade Ep 2 and Ro-Kyu-Bo Ep 2

Okay, here are some of the new shows and how is what I think about it.
This might give you some inspirations!

R-15: Akutagawa Taketo is a genius in writing porn novels which his old school despise him. In this new school which everyone is a prodigy of soft, Taketo still could not get rid of his habits of porn delusions among his classmates. Daydreaming of a teacher/student sex to the school camera girl being stripped by a pervert cameraman, I like the delusions but don't expect Taketo to react like his porn characters as he is quite the naive kid who couldn't talk with Fukune Nakahara which he is suppose to interview her for the school paper. However the only delusions that he have for Fukune is writing her as a magical girl character. First episode is all right but I like the delusions.

I am not sure of the game but the sound effects is from Mickey Mouse's Castle of Illusion.

Nekogami Yaoyorozu: Mayu is a Cat god who is banished to live with humans apparently a girl named Yuzu who owned an antique shop. Mayu spend the days playing retro game consoles and when a god of poverty named Shamo supposedly spreading bad luck is in town, Mayu and her deity friends spring to action. However Yuzu took in Shamo, she treat her well and Yuzu reprimanded Mayu that they shouldn't treat Shamo as an outcast. The ending ended with Yuzu and Mayu received a "large" parcel outside their house. Some funny moments and the video game consoles Mayu are apparently real game consoles like Mega Drive and Dreamcast.

Baka Test 2: Just the gang going to the beach with Akihisa and Yuji trying their luck in wooing girls. However it back fire with the girls punishing them at the end. It's all right for a season opener however I won't be following it till it is complete which is three months later.

Can I kick you like a ball?

Itsuki Tenma no Kuro Usagi: If you remember Zombie Desu Ka, our male lead is a zombie so in this story, our male lead, Taito was bitten by a vampire girl as a boy which give him self-healing powers and decapting him doesn't work as he is still alive after being run over by a truck. Furthermore, the end of the episode show the vampire girl being stabbed by the head of the student council with no explanation. So I probably have to watch the next one to figure out why.

Bonus Points: Large Enhancement!

Manyu Hiken Chou: I did said before that I will give this show another chance after reading the manga. But now I decide not to give it another chance as the censoring of breasts is really unwatchable! Some scene where their clothes covering their large breasts are also given the "ray of light" treatment which make it unbearable. Furthermore, having large breasts as a sign of wealth is really scary as some of them are like overgrown melons. Our heroine, Mayu also has the power to absorb the essence of her opponent's breasts (her elder sister is her first victim) and causing her to turn from a C-Cup to G-Cup! If you can bear the ray of light, fine with me but I rather wait for the DVD version of it.

Crossie Ep 2: Yune eating cheese, cute. Yune drinking coffee, funny. Yune going shopping with Claude, fun. Yune eating french loaf, sweet! Yune eating sour plums, remind me of how I eat sour plums. This show is getting to me with all the small things in life even though it is France 200 years ago. Recommended!

Sacred Seven Ep 2: Arma learned about Ruri's agenda of her sister being petrified by a Darkstone and learning about the Sacred Seven which are supposedly alien technology and it affected organic and non-organic life form differently. So when a magnetic sandstorm created by a Darkstone, Arma nearly chicken out due to his inexperience of sky diving but when Ruri jump out of the plane, he saved her and got himself a flying hover board! Though the only thing suck was the enemy died with one hit...Lame!

Blade Ep 2: From Yokohama to Osaka, Blade investigate missing foreign girls kidnapped by Vampires. He crossed path with a tough detective, Sakomizu and together they learned that Existence has humans working for them to supply them with fresh blood. They battled vampire Yakuza and vampire cats (?) and a supposedly Japanese vampire-Suiko. Makoto is still stubborn after Blade killed her father and is obsessed with revenge. Despite the silly plot, I still like it and next episode is a flashback to a younger Blade as he learn how to be a vampire hunter.

Ro-Kyu-Bo Ep 2: Subaru learn about the reason of why the girls want to learn basketball which I find it is a bit sexist. The boys' basketball male coach has a wager with Subaru's aunt over the use of the court, claiming the girls are weak at the sport. Tomoka got some personal lessons with Subaru and found her to be extremely talented but has issues of being competitive. He finally gave in to teach the girls permanently after Tomoka touch him with her tears. (Danger! Loli Alert!)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Tiger & Bunny Ep 15-The Girl at the Fountain.

Sky High has been depressed due to the fact that he is not performing to standards and his rank dropped to 2nd. Meanwhile Tiger and Bunny have been doing interviews and commercials which Bunny was actually enjoying it more than Tiger.

Sky High met a lady named Cis who sat at the fountain. He mistaken her as a NEXT after she crush an apple with her hands. However he was intrigued by her and met her everyday. Finally he accidentally asked Blue Rose, Dragon Kid and Flame Emblem about how to woo a girl.

They gave different suggestions however all failed as Cis remained unmoved. Later in an interview with some children, Bunny answered that he respect his parents as they were involved in making a robot who can help people in the future. The duo later found out the other heroes were involved in rescuing hostages in a car chase. Sky High was the only hero that failed to get any points after crashing into a wall.

It angered Tiger as they should be saving people rather than doing interviews. Sky High met Cis again and he confessed his depression to her. Cis just ask why he is depressed which make him realised that he should start all over again. He left her not knowing that a red nosed man took Cis away in a truck.

Tiger and Bunny were driving along the road when they were attacked by Cis. They too thought that she is a NEXT but after several rounds, she was revealed to be an android. The red nosed man explained that he created Cis in order to suppress the NEXT and she is programmed to defeat the heroes. However Cis escaped during an accident which also damaged her programming. He also told Bunny that Cis was based on his parents' research on robots and he brought to the next level.

Bunny demanded who the man is and he revealed to be Rotwang, a researcher from his parents' team. Tiger battled Cis till he lost his power before the time limit. Cis's skin was burned off, revealing her internal robot body. She fly to the sky and Bunny tried to get her.

Sky High was on night patrol when he saw the commotion. He battled Cis which he finally defeated her. The next day, Sky High was in his usual positive self and went to wait for Cis at the fountain with some flowers.

Later, Tiger met his old boss, Mario and he asked if Tiger was feeling strange later. He told him about his influx of power and Mario suspected that he will lose his power permanently if he continue to use it...

Well, a twist of fate! Sky High fell in love with Cis and not realising he kill her. If he found out the truth, I think he is going to need some serious consuling on post-homocide depressions. But what happen to Rotwang? Did he got away? If yes, then the heroes are in real trouble. With such androids, they could easily take down the heroes and if some crazed person were to use them, it will be a worst case scenerio than the Ouroboros Arc. Furthermore, Tiger might be losing his power which is what I suspected last week. This could led to more problems for the duo which Tiger might do something crazy in the near future, just to go out with a bang!

Fun Facts: Cis's Seiyuu is Yajima Akiko who also did the voice of Dorothy of Big-O which her character is also an android.