Sunday, May 29, 2011

Tiger & Bunny Ep 9-Three Heroes and A Baby

Dragon Kid AKA Pao Li was advised by her manager to be more feminine and even present a pair of flower hair pin from her parents. Dragon declined the present as she felt her parents didn't care for her.

The heroes were later assembled by Agnes and Tiger was asked by the Mayor to babysit his baby son, Sam who is a telekinetic NEXT. The heroes tried to cheer Sam and only Dragon was able to calm him down.

Tiger and Dragon brought Sam to Bunny's apartment and started baby-sitting. Sam was fond of Bunny's robot toy which he claimed was given by his late parents as a birthday present. After some crazy mess, Tiger accidentally saw Bunny's collected information of the Ouroboros. Later that night after Dragon and Sam went to bed, Tiger ask Bunny of the Ouroboros. He confessed that he remember his parents' killer having the tattoo on his hand but he could not see who he really is.

That morning, a trio of female NEXT kidnappers kidnap Dragon and Sam for ramson. Agnes came to visit the heroes when she received a call from the kidnappers. They mistaken Agnes as the mother and ask for ransom money.

Tiger and Bunny set an ambush for the kidnappers to fall for it but one of them actually spot the trap which led our heroes to chase them. Meanwhile, the leader of the trio mentioned that Sam's flower cap stands for "Healthy" which what his parents will want to be.

The other kidnappers came back and want to escape when suddenly Sam let out a psychic cry which blew out the warehouse.

Dragon broke free and rescue Sam and defeat the trio. Tiger and Bunny arrived to assist when suddenly Bunny became paranoid after seeing the flames around. He flee after that with no explanation.

Tiger and Dragon returned Sam to the Mayor and Tiger noticed Dragon is wearing a flower hairpin. She checked the meaning of the flower which states "Always remembering you." Bunny managed to compose himself at home but still couldn't remember the killer after seeing the flames earlier.

Meanwhile, an unknown naked man was humming to himself while burning a rock with his fingers...

This episode is all about parents caring for their kids. Like how the Mayor care for Sam, Tiger caring for his daughter, Bunny's parents care for him and Dragon's parents who do care for her dearly and she almost shove them away, thinking that she is not loved by them anymore.

This week's villain trio is soft of a joke which they claimed they can "smell" danger, money and lies. No wonder Tiger claimed that not everyone can be a hero with useless power like this. It's soft of a give away that Blue Rose is infatuated by Tiger but she was disappointed when she heard he is married and has a daughter though his wife passed away five years ago.

Anyway, Lunatic will return next week causing more chaos and a focus episode of the giant man of the heroes, Rock Bishop.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Shinobi returns in Nintendo 3DS!

Remember during the 80s and early 90s when you got the Sega Mega Drive system or Genesis in the U.S? There were quite a number of early Sega games which were fun like Altered Beast and Rambo 3. But one game stood out and it show how cool and awesome ninjas were again!

I am talking about Super Shinobi! You control Joe Musashi as he slice and throw unlimited shirukens to save his girlfriend from Neo Zeed. He was awesome at that time with a kick-ass music soundtrack and some bizarre villains like a Godzilla look-like, the Terminator, Spiderman and Batman too?!
Anyway, it has a numbers of sequels and spin-off and finally after a long break, the ninja returns!

This time on the Nintendo 3DS and he is back in doing what he do best. Slash, throw Shirukens and using his ninja magic to save the world one more time this September!

Another reason to buy a 3DS! I can't wait!

Hidan no Aria Ep 7-Close up! (Durandal Arc Chapter 2)

Kinji had the flu and rest at the dorm. Aria place an energy drink beside his bed and left for school. When Kinji woke up, he mistaken Shirayuki for giving the energy drink however she didn't mention anything but felt disappointed.

The next day, Aria troubled Kinji again and they got into an argument claiming that Durandal might be a real person and Aria is making this up. She rebutted him that it was her intuition that Durandal is real. Kinji demanded for proof which Aria got angry and withdraw her protection for Shirayuki.

Kinji met Shirayuki in the students council room and she explained her fellow members have went to see the fireworks, leaving her alone. Kinji ask why she didn't go. She replied that she is forbidden to go anywhere else beside school and dorm. Kinji was upset to himself that she is still "a bird in a cage."

After school, Kinji decided to bring her to see the fireworks. She bought a new yukata and they went to the beach. However the fireworks ended but Kinji went to buy some sparklers.

Shirayuki then received a mail in her phone. She was stunned for a moment but remain composed. Kinji returned and after playing for a while, she couldn't control her emotions and ask a kiss from him.

But they were interrupted by some kids playing fireworks and thus returned home. The next day, the school is having a festival and Kinji went to help in the ticket booth. He suddenly recieved a mail from Shirayuki saying "Goodbye" Her teacher, Tsuzuri inform that she is missing and asked if she was behaving strangely lately. She claimed that Durandal always send a mail before kidnapping his next victim.

Kinji recalled the night before of Shirayuki received a mail at the beach. He quickly went to find her in the city. Reki who was employed by Aria as a back up informed him that she was last spotted at Warehouse 3. He arrived at the warehouse and realised it is a place for ammunitions and explosives.

Shrirayuki was in her battle gear when a voice claiming to be Durandal spoke to her and want to take her to E.U. Kinji stopped them but lose his footing by a throw projectile. The floor suddenly turn into ice and freeze one of his hands. Shirayuki was about to be taken away when Aria finally show up!

So Durandal is also part of E.U but who is he or rather who is she? The credits claimed Durandal is voiced by Kawasumi Ayako which it is obviously that it is a she. Shirayuki also tried to shoulder everything on herself, not claiming that she was not the one who gave the energy drink, her responsibilities to her shrine and trying to take on Durandal. All because of Kinji. She really do love him and I hope for them to be together rather than Aria who is starting to behave more like Shana already which I am not a fan of either.

If you wondering why this episode is called close up is because, Kinji has a close up with every girl in this episode-Shirayuki, Aria and Tsuzuri. Now we left with Reki the Sniper which I hope they will talk about her in future episodes...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dog Days Ep 8-Isn't that a Raccoon Trick?

After Shinku send a message to Becky, he set off to join the others for the big battle. Millhore gave a encouraging speech for her troops before leaving to join the battle. She told Rico to prepare that "item" for the upcoming battle.

As both armies began to advance to the battleground, the Genoise Trio were discussing that there might be monsters and demons near the battleground however Godwin dismiss as fairy tales and boldly declare that he slash anything that get in his way.

Leon has a flashback several days before her declaration of war. She told her two close advisers-Bernard and Violet about the future death of Millhore and Shinku. Bernard actually suggested to have a war in order to get the sacred swords from Biscott. It might change the future as the items could be the trigger for their deaths. Leon agreed to the matter and thus the declaration of war was announced the next day.

Finally both armies met and square off. Shinku, Eclair and Rico charge the battle field using the shortest route but they were surrounded by Galette troops.

Eclair managed to take down a big numbers of troops and hear from the enemies that they are after Millhore's Excelide.

Violet and her men took upon themselves to steal Excelide at Millhore's camp. They got into the camp and confronted Millhore. However it was Rico in disguise and Rizel, the head maid captured Violet.

Rico fire a signal flare which notified Shinku, Eclair and Millhore who was disguising as Rico. Millhore has already suspected that Leon might have ulterior motives for waiting Excelide and Paledion as a wager. They continue to advance into Leon's camp hoping to find out the truth...

It is a good thing that they skip the tele-matches in the first episode and go straight to good old fashioned fists fight. Though Eclair was confronted by Galette Troops who look like Bandits and Rapists but she can hold on her own and defeated a large numbers with a spear. Shinku, on the other hand wasn't really much help as he even need help from Yukikaze. Come on, Shinku. Show some backbone!

The "Kagemusha" trick or decoy which Rico used was a surprise. When I first saw the two leaves on Rico's hands, I was thinking could it be a magical raccoon's trick? Guess what? I was right! That prove Millhore isn't just a bimbo but a smart queen after all. So let's see what is up next for the next episode through I hope that some demon king will appear to do some damage...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Tiger & Bunny Ep 8-First Rule of being a Hero-Courage!

Lunatic became the talk of the town and people have began to agree on his method of killing criminals. The sponsors of Hero TV had a meeting and they decided to have a campaign to regain the public's trust of heroes.

As the heroes began to do community works, Tiger, Bunny and Origami Cyclone went to the Hero Academy to inspire the NEXT students.

Origami was feeling negative as he was bashed in his blog for being a background character and not doing any heroics. They were later welcome by the Principal Massini who brought them to see the students.

The students were inspired by Tiger and Bunny but not Origami. Later Origami showed Tiger his power which is the ability to shape shift to any person. Tiger was amazed by his power however Origami dislike it and wish that he wasn't a hero.

Tiger later asked Massini of Origami's behaviour. He explained that Origami has a friend named Edward who was supposed to graduate as a Hero however during a robbery, Edward tried to stop the robber but accidentally shot a hostage. He was sent to prison however he recently escaped.

Edward appeared in front of Origami and tried to kill him. Tiger and Bunny arrived and he retreated. Origami blamed himself for ruining Edward's life. Tiger advised him to help Edward so that he won't commit more crimes again.

Origami confronted Edward however Lunatic arrived and tried to kill Edward. Origami shape shift to Edward, trying to fool Lunatic but he saw through and tried to kill them both. Tiger and Bunny arrived to stop him and in the midst, Tiger took a shot from Lunatic's arrow but managed to damage his mask.

Lunatic escaped again and after that, Edward was sent back to prison but he thank Origami for saving his life. Tiger told Bunny that to have a clear mind the next time they confronted Lunatic.

Later, Origami announced that he won't be a background character and to be a real hero. Lunatic was later revealed to be Judge Yuri Petrov and he started to be interested at Tiger from his computer...

It was a give-away that Lunatic is Yuri. He played a double role as both a Judge and a vigilante. I guess he has some tragic past which caused him to be Lunatic. Origami's power is shape shift which is more of a stealth and recon. Maybe he should get some lessons from X-men's Mystique who really know how to use shape shift to the Max. The first rule to be a hero is Courage. Without courage, you are unable to do anything even with power. But I am glad Origami learned his lessons and hope we can see his heroic in future episodes. Next, the heroes go baby sitting with a NEXT baby and a focus on Dragon Kid.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hidan no Aria Ep 6-The Birds and the Bees (Durandal Arc Chapter 1)

Shirayuki Hotogi barged into Kinji's dorm and started to fight with Aria. She blamed Aria for seducing Kinji and Aria tried to shoot her. Shirayuki used her sword skill deflect the bullets. Aria realised that she is a Choutei-A detective using ESP abilities and Shirayuki is the successor of the Hotogi Shrine.

The two girls fought to a standoff. Shirayuki demand an answer from Kinji about his relationship with Aria. Although he replied that they are partners but they did let out that they kiss once. Shirayuki was freaked out while Aria claimed she won't get pregnant ever though she kiss with Kinji which was what her father told her about the birds and bees.

The next day, Aria found out the truth of the birds and bees and beat the crap out of Kinji. During the break, Aria started to train Kinji in stress training claiming that it will release Kinji's potential. However it didn't work and all it got was him getting hit in the head by Aria.

They heard that Shirayuki was called by her teacher. They eavesdropped and found out she is being targeted by a master criminal, Durandal. Aria immediately volunteer to be her bodyguard however Shirayuki demanded Kinji to be her bodyguard too and she immediately stayed in Kinji's dorm.

Later, Aria explained to Kinji that Durandal is responsible for her mother's crimes and is determined to capture the criminal. She knew that Shirayuki dislike her and even tried to set traps for her in school.

Kinji recalled his childhood days with Shirayuki and she was always sheltered in the shrine until he sneak her out to see the world however she is given another nickname-"A Bird in the Cage".

Kinji began to escort Shirayuki and later in the dorm, she received a call claiming to be Kinji however he was in the shower all the time. Shirayuki, embarrassed by a half naked Kinji, apologise however she began to strip her clothes to punish herself. Kinji stopped her but Aria has the wrong idea and shoot him out of the window...

I laugh at Aria's innocent thinking about Sex and her father really gave her the wrong idea. Shirayuki is the jealous type and called Aria a thieving cat rather than a bitch or slut (Which most Jealous girls will call it) However I found her bad-ass as she deflect the bullets like a light saber. She can be a nice housewife but her jealous level is really dangerous as she set traps for Aria which include a piano wire and a knife in Aria's shoe locker. The mysterious criminal, Durandal will be appearing soon and hope another action story will begin again. From what I heard, Durandal is not a he but a she?!