Thursday, October 21, 2010

Here I go!

I will going overseas tomorrow. So there will be no new reviews until the first week of Nov. If you wondering where I am going? I am going to Akihabara, Tokyo! Yes, the Land of Anime! Hope I get some good things when I am there. See you next month!

SRW OG S2 Ep 3-Why two long lost friends have to point guns at each other?

Bullet was writing a report of the previous battle when Excellen run in a bath towel. She flirt him which cause Bullet to run out of the room. She look at the pictures of the unknown aliens and find it familiar. Kyosuke probe on Lamia about the aliens but she denied knowing anything.

Meanwhile, the SRX team were having a meeting of the two new machines-the R-Blade and Wild Falken. Ryusei was to try out R-Blade while Latonni in the Wild Falken.

At the same time, Archialed welcome two new pilots-Seolla and Arado from the disbanded "SCHOOL", an institute to train children to pilot the Personal Troopers. Yuki didn't like the idea of children to enter the war but took the order to take them under his wing.

The next day, Ryusei and Latooni test the two new machines which Ryusei won with an unlikely attack. Suddenly the DC troops led by Yuki were approaching fast. Seolla was ordered to capture the Wild Falken.
She managed to make it crash to the ground. An armed Latooni tried to stop Seolla which both of them were surprised by each other. Latooni was a former member of SCHOOL and they questioned each other of their alliances.

Suddenly Seolla was in a trance and knocked Latooni unconscious. She piloted the Wild Falken and escaped with the rest of the DC troops. The ATX also arrived but couldn't do anything as they watch the DC retreated...

Iron Man Ep 3-Iron Man vs the Tornado Robot?!

A mysterious tornado has been murdering scientists for no reason which Nanami decided to investigate the case. Meanwhile Tony and Tanaka were experimenting a new EMP reactor to be installed in their security system which Tony described it as 'bland'. Tanaka received a call from a friend whose life is in danger. The friend was then killed by the tornado and Tanaka decided to check on a old friend.

Nanami was interviewing Professor Sakamoto at his office when Tanaka came in. They mentioned about "Tesla project" which Tanaka and the murdered scientists were involved years ago. However the project was halted by the government.

A tornado began to attack an air base and Iron Man tried to stop it. He entered the heart of the Tornado and discovered a robot like machine is responsible for it. Iron Man tried to stop it but was immediately knocked out by it.

The tornado attacked Nanami and the others which Sakamoto was hurt. After the tornado pass, Tony recovered and had the Iron Man Suit send for repairs. He saw some rescue workers trying to rescue a woman and her baby in a bus. He offered to help but the captain told him to leave. The bus gave way and crash into the river. Tony dived in and rescue the woman and child.

Tanaka and Nanami went to an abandoned lab where they fought out about the Tesla project was revived recently. Tanaka explained the project was to control the electric magnetic fields in the sky thus control the weather. Suddenly Sakamoto appeared and was armed. He was the one who revived the project by an unknown source. He tried to kill them but Nanami's quick thinking knocked him off. The two girls then escaped and informed Tony.

Tanaka created a EMP cannon which Iron Man is to use it against the Tornado machine. Tony suit up and carried the EMP cannon to the Tornado. Sakamoto was at the site and was killed by the Tornado.

After distracting it, Iron Man damaged the machine but his suit was also affected by the pulse. The suit shut down and he plunging down to the ground and at the last minute, his suit restarted and Iron Man blast off to the sky...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Nyan Power Win!

Ladies and Gentlemen, Geeks and Nerds. After 3 months of intense battles, I present to you this year Saimoe's Champion....From K-On, Azusa Nakano!!!!

Yes, she beat Nagi of Hayate no Gotoku by 177 votes! A big congrats to Azusa for emerge as this year Saimoe's Champion!

We thank you for following this year Saimoe battle..Thank you and see you next year!

Azusa thank you for supporting her!

Friday, October 15, 2010

SRW OG S2 Ep 2-Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Continue where it was left off, Angelg descended from the sky and the DC forces retreated. Angelg arrived in the hanger of Shirogane which the ATX team approached it's enigma pilot Lamia Loveless.

Lamia was sent to assist the ATX team and during her introduction, she could not control her command of speech for no reason.

Excellen was happy to have a new member and ask Lamia to call her Elder Sister which she complied. Lamia was particular of Excellen who looks familiar...

Meanwhile, an excavation in China was going on for the search of the Chojinkin Machines. The DC forces appeared and their leader, Archibald Grimes ordered the attack of the site irregardless of civilians.
Yuki and Karla could only watch as their leader laughed manically.

The ATX team appeared and a hot-headed Bullet shouted in the open channel calling the DC forces cowards! This somehow awaken two creatures underground..Yuki started to battle with him and all of the sudden, the sky and the ground started to change. All their machines started to fail and was unable to move.

Mysterious plant like creatures started to surround the site and a flash of light, two machines appeared in the centre-RyuOhki and KoOhki! The two machines laid waste the mysterious plants creatures and took off into the sky...

The introduction of RyuOhki and KoOhki was too early but I think they want to speed things up for Excellen's suprise development. Lamia was funny as she tried to speak properly but fans will know that she is somehow play a connection to Kyosuke and Excellen in the future.

Iron Man Ep 2-Quick Change Iron Man

Episode 2 start with a group of terrorists killing a ship crew and stealing plutonium.

Tony was brought up to the Japanese government cabinet and tried to clean his name.

After the conference, he was surrounded by reporters which he sneak his way into Nana's vehicle. He flirt again with Nana and her co-worker was filled with envy.

Soon later, Tony suit up and head straight to the ship where the plutonium went missing. He found the crew dead and a giant robot from Zodiac-Cancer tried to kill him. Iron Man shake off him and proceed to a shipyard where he hack a camera and discovered the location of the plutonium.

Tony drove his own sport car and Nana who was nearby chase him on a scooter. The terrorists' car skidded, missing Nana by a inch. In the confusion, Nana took the bag containing the plutonium and is now being chased by the terrorists!

A mysterious biker appeared and warn Tony not to take the law into his own hands.

Tony ignored him and suit up. Iron Man took care of the terrorists but now Cancer is after Nana! 

Iron Man rescued her and took care of Cancer easily! He then returned the plutonium back and clean his name.

In a secret location, the mysterious biker now wearing a military uniform oversee a humanoid machine...

A good episode with more questions of this mysterious man and who the Zodiac are. Tony was cool having the Iron Man suit in his car as he suit up inside. Can't wait to see the next one!

The cow and the cat and Saimoe Final!

Azusa of K-on enmerges as the winner of the 2nd semi final and now will go heads with Nagi of Hayate no Gotoku!

Who will be this year most "moe" character of 2010? Find out the results on 16 oct!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Otaku and the Mahjong Brat

Azusa of K-On has beat Yamada of Working and proceed to the Semi Finals!

Today's First Semi Final will pit Nagi of Hayate no Gotoku against Koromo Amae of Saki!

Who will reach the Final!? Find out Tomorrow!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Saimoe 3rd and 4th Quarter Finals

In the 2nd Quarter Finals, Kokoro Amae of Saki won 931 votes beating Ruiko Saten of Railgun Series.

In yesterday's Match, Nodoka Haramaru of Saki have 946 votes to Shana of Shakugan no Shana's 890 votes.

Today is the last of the Quarter Finals which will pit Aoi Yamada of Working taking Asuza Nakano of K-On!

Who will continue to fight on? Who will be left to dry? See you tomorrow for the results!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Super Robots Wars OG Season 2 Ep 1: The First Stage is usually easy.

After three years of waiting, the continuation of the Original Generations Series begin!

The opening shot showed Alteisen destroying SRX with Ryusei screaming why before his death. Alteisen which is now piloted by a deraged Kyosuke approached a hanger base where Axel piloting Beowolf try to stop him. Beowolf destroyed Alteisen's left arm but suddenly regenerated a new arm.
It grew bigger and Axel took a gamble. Luring Altesien into the hanger and destroying his core.

Axel jump into a dimension portal and blow up the base with Alteisen in it...(Note: this is an alternative
universe know as the Shadow Mirror where many of our characters are either dead or evil.)

Now in our time, six months has passed since SRX and ATX team defeated the DC armies and the aliens known as Arrowgaters. However, the remnants of the DC armies still continue their attack on the Earth. 

In China, DC began to attack the Earth Federation Forces and were overwhelmed. Kyosuke, Excellen and Bullet sortie out and took down the DC troops.

 Excellen and Weissritter

Kyosuke and Altesien 

DC's two new pilots Yuuki and Karla voluteered to take down the ATX team and sortie out.

The two of them caused some problems with Bullet and Excellen while a mysterious machine came out of the ground.

Yuuki vs Bullet

This look BAD!!!
The mysterious machine destroyed one of the Earth Federation ship and disappeared. Suddenly energy projectiles shot down from the sky destroying the DC troops. It resembled an Angel and it's pilot spoke of Earth "an Apple of Paradise"...

I didn't know Angelg has a mouth.
A great start to the second season with more questions to be ask. Those who play the game before will know who are the good and bad guys. I was shocked to see SRX got blown up with blood splatted all over Altesien's face and Beowolf is bad ass fighting Altesien. Knowing the game, ATX team will play a bigger role than SRX team in this season and don't forget, it is basically a three way fight for our heroes. (One is the Shadow Mirror, the second is DC and the last is a creepy mecha piloted by a little girl)

The ending credits is pure fanservice. Enjoy!

Aya Kobayashi

Lamia Loveless

Viletta Badam

Schine Hauzen

Latooni Subbota

Leona Garstein

Seolla Schweitzer

Mai Kobayashi

Ouka Nagisa

Kusuha Mizuha

Excellen Browning