Sunday, December 28, 2014

Happiness Charge Precure Ep 46: The Worst Night Before Christmas Part 2

The girls couldn't believe that Seiji is now under Red's control and he started attacking Cure Lovely. Blue told them to hit the red crystal on Seiji's chest which is controlling him.
The girls began to battle him and Cure Lovely managed to hit the crystal. However Seiji's strength overwhelm her and he fired a blast at them, forcing them to transform back.
Red taunted them claiming that Seiji has bottled his emotions all these times and it is Megumi's fault for failing to see the signs from him. Now the red crystal has revealed all his emotions and has turned hatred on Cure Lovely. Red claimed he hate everything that Blue stand for and now plan to destroy the Earth next by turning into a land of despair.
Red summoned a giant Red Moon in the sky and hundreds of Red Saiark landed around the world to create chaos. Seiji followed Red and they headed to the Red Moon and taunted the girls on their demise.
Megumi blamed herself for not realising Seiji's feelings towards her as a Red Saiark was prepare to kill her. Suddenly Cure Tender arrived and told them not to give up as she was previously saved by them when she was mind controlled. The Aloha Precures and several international Precures also arrived and told the girls not to give up.
Megumi realised what she need to do and the others followed suit. They transformed again and together with the Aloha Precures and Cure Tender, they defeated the Saiark and now headed to the Red Moon. Blue and the international Precures then proceed to the city to defend against the Saiark.
Cure Tender wished them good luck as Cure Lovely prepared herself to face Seiji again...
Well, it proved that Seiji is more powerful than all the four girls combined which there are a few loopholes in this episode. First, why don't they just go straight to Innocent Form which stand a higher chance of defeating him? Second, where is Mirage and FanFan? Shouldn't she be helping out too? Couldn't Cure Tender and the international Precures arrived faster to help them? If this was a world crisis, where are the Precures we all know from Max Heart to Doki Doki?
Despite all these loopholes, I am surprised that it will take one more episode for the girls to save Seiji from the mind control. But we have four more episodes left so we need some expositions before the grand finale. Although the international Precures appeared in this episode, I wasn't blow away by their appearances since they rarely talk and hardly any developments throughout the season. Toei, if you want to make me believe this is your ten years anniversary of Precure, I will rather have the Precures from Max Heart till Doki Doki to appear instead. One word-Lazy writing.
Anyway, we have to wait two weeks for the next episode. Until then, Happy New Year to Everyone!
P.S: Oh yeah, I have to mention the first trailer of Go Princess Precure and what I think about it?
First the title-Go Princess Precure..two things came to my mind. Firstly,  it could mean Five Princess Precure since Go also meant Five for Japanese. Second could meant a rap song which the chores sing "Go Princess! Go Princess! Go!"
The setting for the series is now in a boarding school named Noble Academy and it looked like an all girls' school. (Play that Utena Opening Song!) I could foresee that most of the problems will occurred among the students and for some strange reason, the monster of the week seem to love to attack their school. Shouldn't the students' parents be complaining of the number of monsters appearing every week? I won't be surprised if the headmaster or one of the teaching staff is the bad guy or someone secretly aiding the Precures. 
Next, our three main Precures, Haruka, Minami and Kirara. Haruka looked very different from her alter ego, Cure Flora which is a good thing so that no one can put two and two together. But Cure Flora gave me an Aikatsu feel to it which is a bit misleading for some Precure and Aikatsu fans alike. Her Precure outfit looked all right giving a more mature look than the last few seasons "kids' dresses."
Minami gave me a Cure Aqua/Karen feel to it and is probably the idol of everyone in school. Kirara looked like the playful type but yet I like her style more than the other two girls. The trailer showed Haruka wanting to be a Princess and she enrolled into Nobel Academy. Although I wondered what kind of occupation does a Princess do? Unless you are royalty, I don't see the purpose of being a princess. Maybe they are going for a Strawberry Panic feel where the students are suppose to excel in everything to be the perfect woman. Prepare for some bitching among the students...
The Prince in Haruka's childhood looked very...GAY! Sorry, I disliked this type of girly man. It make Seiji and FanFan manly compared to this Prince. Finally the henshin item which looked like a perfume bottle and the liquid appearing inside the bottle remind me of the Genesis Driver from Kamen Rider Gaim and Miki Shinichiro randomly saying "Melon Energy...SODA!"
Overall, I have to wait for the actual episode on 1st Feburary to find out if I like it or not. Until then, see you in the next post!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Quick Picks: Hi-sCoool! SeHa Girls Ep 12-13 FINAL, Marvel Disk Wars Avengers Ep 39, Amagi Brilliant Park Ep 13 FINAL

Hi-sCoool! SeHa Girls Ep 12-13 FINAL: Center Sensei gave the girls their final test but before he could continue, a black Center Sensei hacked the system and took all but one medal from the girls.
He taunted the girls to enter the system and fight their way through. They entered the system and fought all the games they play throughout the whole school term. Finally they arrived at a Space Harrier Arcade machine and Sega Saturn had to use her last medal to start the game. She entered the game while the others controlled her by joystick.
They spotted the Black Center Sensei and with a sheer luck, they hit his weak spot and he falled. However it was all a test done by the real Center Sensei to see their full potential. He gave them back the medals but Saturn was short of three medals. Mega Drive want to give her extra medal to her but Dreamcast refused claiming they will have to leave school once they graduated and can't be together anymore.
After much persuasion, Dreamcast finally gave in and they all graduated. Center Sensei finally explained what their aim is actually-The school is actually a virtual world created by the creators of Sega and the girls will used their knowledge and "hardware" for people around the world to enjoy their games.
Mega Drive was the first to leave and bid farewell as she become a real Mega Drive console. Sega Saturn was next and she too became a real Sega Saturn console. Dreamcast was upset that everyone was gone but then Sonic appeared with everyone they encountered throughout the school term and wished her well. She was grateful and became a real Dreamcast console. Later in the real world, a father bought a Dreamcast console for his son and explained about the enjoyment of a Mega Drive and Sega Saturn console...
Final thoughts: I watch this show in the beginning not knowing what is it about but after the first episode, a sense of nostalgic came back to me from my childhood days. I grew during the console wars years and seeing all theses games references make me laugh and cheer my childhood days. Of course, the games were slightly changed for the show but I love how they used the actual game graphics and merged nicely with our three main characters. They even had guest characters coming from other games which was both weird and funny.
Our three main girls represent the different era of Sega games. Mega Drive represented the true beginning for Sega Games to shine with it's 16 bit processor. Sega Saturn represented the CD Rom era and the beginning of more advance games and Dreamcast which is the last console Sega did represent the future of Sega Games and how much potential it could have if it continue to last. Overall, I really enjoyed the whole series. The only grips is it is ten minutes per episode and we never get to see the rest of the Sega girls like Game Gear, Genesis and Sega Master System. Anyway, a nice trip of nostalgic at the end!
Marvel Disk Wars Avengers Ep 39: Giant Man held Marie Hill's transport as he demanded to be left alone. Iron Man tried to talk him out of it but he refused to listen. Suddenly the house which Jessica and Wasp in started to collapse and Giant Man rushed to save them.
He finally gave up and was sent to the hospital for treatment. Nick Fury also "blackmail" the council in order for them to call off the arrest of Hank Pym. Suddenly Ultron now called Omega Ultron appeared in the city and four more of his giant self appeared in major cities.
Ultron demanded for their surrender which the Avengers refused. Nick Fury ordered Black Widow to get Hank Pym as he is the only person who know how to take him down. Hank started creating an anti-virus program to destroy Ultron but he could not focus properly. The Avengers took turns to hold Omega Ultron at bay and after some words from Nick Fury, Hank finally complete the program.
Hulk used his Build up power to smash a hold onto Omega Ultron as Wasp carried the program and is preparing to enter him. But Omega Ultron spotted her and tried to attack her. Suddenly Giant Man reappeared and hold Omega Ultron enough for Wasp to activate the program. Ultron was finally defeated and the rest of his robots also fell.
Giant Man was weakened after using his powers and Akira had no choice but to seal him up in a disk in order to heal his wounds. Later Giant Man created Jocasta as a replacement but serve as a domestic robot rather than a crazed AI...
So the Age of Ultron is over and it was a bit disappointed since it took a program to shut Ultron down rather than all out attacks. But that how Ultron could only be beaten in the comics and television. It is also serve as a closure for Hank as he have one final act of heroism before being sealed in a disk. Although I am curious why he created Jocasta as in the comics, Ultron created her in order to become his bride and using Wasp's brain waves for her personality. Anyway, we are now at our final arc as Loki is back (Sort of) and bestow Tim and his gang their Biocode powers...
Amagi Brilliant Park Ep 13 FINAL: Kanie watched a promo video for their park created by Toriken however it lack the impact for customers to come to the park. Kanie then ordered Isuzu to take charge of the video together with Toriken.
They asked everyone from Moffle to the moles. Everyone giving all sort of ideas and videos for Toriken to put in the video. Eventually, the whole video was a total disaster and Kanie instead used the original promo video for the park.
Everyone went to watch the promo video but were unimpressed when Toriken told Kanie that he uploaded the "weird" version of their video online and oddly enough, it was well received...
So this last episode is really a filler episode and in my opinion should have been somewhere in the middle of the series and the previous episode last week should be the finale. Although it was funny for everyone coming up with ideas and videos that the whole video became totally mind wrecking. Furthermore, people online actually like the crazy video more than the original video which Kanie really couldn't understand why...
Final Thoughts: As this is the final episode and my last quick pick review for 2014, I was disappointed for this final episode but overall, I really enjoy this show. Given that it was done by the author of Full Metal Panic (which I hope they will finish the rest of the series in animated form) we have a self centered male lead, a monotone but yet sweet female lead, a loveable princess, three crazy mascots and a whole bunch of wacky characters.
Oddly enough, the original novel which is based is slightly different as Kanie have two weeks to save the park and Latifa is blind in the novels. But they extend the deadline in the series for three months (Equal to one full cour) and introduce characters which only appear later in the novel. Kanie is self absorbed but it is due to his past that caused him to be arrogant. Although he act tough and cool to everyone but deep down, he just want people to know him as himself rather the child actor he once was.
Isuzu is this season's best heroine in my opinion. She might have a deep pan voice but there are times where she actually show concern to Latifa and Kanie. Some might even called her a female version of Sagara Sousuke of FMP but at least she didn't went overboard like he does. I wish that she and Kanie actually develop their relationship more but you can tell the way they look at each other, it is obvious something is brewing between them. Latifa was a bit disappointed as we only know her back story quite late and why she believe Kanie will save the park is a bit far fetched.  
Moffle, Marcon and Tiarmi never failed to put a smile on me every time they appeared on screen. The rest of the characters were all right as everyone has their moment to shine on. So what happened now? We all know that Kurisu is the wizard responsible for Latifa's curse and he escaped. Will we see him again and what crazy adventures will Kanie and company be in next time? Until a second season is announce, we said goodbye to Amagi Brilliant Park as they headed 2015 with a bang!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Happiness Charge Precure Ep 45: The Worst Night Before Christmas Part 1

It is Christmas Eve and Megumi and Iona went to pick up Hime at her house. They were planning to go to Yuko's restaurant to help up and while waiting, Megumi told Blue and Mirage about her encounter of the red Saiark and the mysterious voice that taunted her.
Blue and Mirage do not know who it was and Hime insisted of going to Yuko's place now. When they arrived together with Seiji, Yuko asked them to help in the selling of their special fried chicken set and they sold out everything before lunch.
After lunch, the girls exchanged presents and everyone got a scaft. Even Seiji got a scaft as a present from Megumi and he thanked her for it. After the girls did some makeup, they went to enjoy the town's Christmas decorations. Yuko suggest to get presents for Blue and the others with the shopping vouchers she got from her mother.
They started to shop around to look for gifts. (Fancy spectacles for Ribbon and Glasses and a cap for FanFan) Hime even thinking of buying a matching pair of cups for Blue and Mirage however it was too expensive. Seiji asked Megumi to come out of the shop and he gave her his present which was a ladybird brooch.
Suddenly a red Saiark appeared in the town and Megumi went with the others to fight. Deep Mirror appeared in front of Seiji and inserted a red crystal into his body. The girls went to battle as Blue, Mirage and the mascots also arrived at the scene.
The Saiark was giving them problems but they used Innocent Form and Innocent Purification to defeat it. After the battle, Mirage could sense an evil presence and Deep Mirror appeared in front of them. Blue recognise him as Red and he too is also a god. Red claimed he hated for everything Blue believe in and revealed his secret weapon-a brainwashed Seiji who has become his Dark Prince...

So Deep Mirror's real name is Red and he too is also a god like Blue. I am thinking they might be "brothers" as they have complete opposite personalities but similar in many ways. Seiji turning into a Dark Prince is expected since the trailer last week already ruined it but the way he got turned is not what I expected.

I was expecting like Megumi showing affection to Blue and Seiji got jealous resulting in Red turning him evil. But instead, Red just inserted a red crystal into his body and he turned evil. A bit anti dramatic in my opinion.

Overall, the Christmas episode was average but I like the shopping scene when the girls was thinking what to get for Blue and the others. I like Yuko's idea of buying a cap for FanFan which I am thinking why didn't FanFan transform to human form and hang out with Yuko. I am pretty sure it will be very sweet. (Who want to see Yuko and FanFan make out on Christmas Eve?)

Even Hime was envious of the numbers of couples during Christmas Eve when they were looking at the Christmas decorations. Megumi has Seiji, Yuko has FanFan, Iona has Yuya and Hime is one?!
Next episode, it is the girls taking on Dark Prince Seiji on Christmas Eve! Can Cure Lovely able to wake him to his senses? Find out the conclusion of this long Christmas Eve Night next week!