Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Quick Picks: Hi-sCoool! SeHa Girls Ep 7, Marvel Disk Wars Avengers Ep 34, Amagi Brilliant Park Ep 8

Hi-sCoool! SeHa Girls Ep 7: Sonic make quick work on Dr Eggman's robots and Eggman started to escape. The girls offered to help and they held on Sonic's head. They trailed Eggman into a warp zone and entered the various Sonic games stages.
Eggman suddenly used a wrecking ball and hit Sonic back to the Border Break world. Mega Drive spotted her 16 bit book and gave Sonic the Invinicbity Item. With it, Sonic make quick work of Eggman and Dreamcast crashed into the Core which they are suppose to complete their mission.
The exit has been reopened and the girls bid farewell to Sonic. They returned back to their class and noticed Centre Sensei looked like a human on the monitor. However Centre Sensei restored the system and awarded the girls their medals...
It's funny that Sonic fans love the high speed action of the classic Sonic games but when Sonic Boom that came out recently on Wii U, everybody hated it like the plague. But I don't blame them since the old games were created by Sega of Japan rather than a third party game studio. However it was nice to see the classic Sonic games from it's beginning till Sonic Adventures. Overall, a good nostalgic episode but it is odd that both Sonic and Eggman don't talk at all. Next episode, the girls tackle...THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD 2!
Marvel Disk Wars Avengers Ep 34: Rosalia went to Mandarin's castle and offered her help in defeating the Avengers. Meanwhile, the Avengers and the kids contacted Hank Pym to examine the Dimensional Sphere but he gave a pass on it.
In school, Hikaru was amazed by transfer student Sam Alexander in terms of studies and sports. Later that night he pop up at Tony's mansion and claimed he knew the Avengers are here with them. Sam then revealed himself to be Nova. Nova requested that he joined the Avengers but they were reluctant to include a new member.
Mandarin and Rosaila created a disturbance at the power plant and Iron Man recognise Mandarin's MO. Nova eager to prove himself rushed to stop him. However he was ambushed by Rosailia and got knocked out. The Avengers arrived but Mandarin trapped everyone in ice leaving Iron Man to handle him.
Hulk broke free of everyone and together with Iron Man used teamwork to defeat Mandarin. Thor used his Built up power to deflect Mandarin's final attack and he retreated. Rosaila sealed Nova in a disk and tried to escape but tripped by Ed and Jessica. She too escaped and the kids recovered Nova.
Nova was excited that he is part of the Avengers and asked Hikaru to make him his secondary hero which he reluctantly accepted...
We get Hank Pym aka Ant Man and Sam Alexander as Nova for this episode. Hank behave like a jerk and even taunt Wasp (who they used to date) on learning how does it feel to stay in the disk. Sam is more tolerant although he behave like a kid begging his parents in this case, joining the Avengers. Although he got his wish at the end (Trapped in a disk!) but I felt Hikaru and him won't get along that easy.
The Mandarin looked like a suit of armor rather than his Fu Manchu appearance in the comics which I think it is better this way rather than having a racism statement in the show. But Mandarin just retreated after knowing he can't beat all five Avengers which prove he isn't a tough villain compare to Red Skull and Loki. In the next episode, our heroes returned to New York and spotted Spidey in his black costume however his behaviour is weird. Your guess is good as mine!
Amagi Brilliant Park Ep 8: Kanie was warded in the hospital after catching a cold. Isuzu came in and tried to seduce him but it is actually Tiarmi in disguise using a special body suit. Isuzu decided to use the suit and pose as Kanie at school.
She received a love letter from a girl named Kanae and when he met her, she apologise that she has mistakenly placed the letter into his shoe box. Isuzu didn't bother her which the mascots decided to take turn wearing the suit. Macaron wore it and accidentally got into a mini quarrel with Kanae and her supposedly crush, Kimura.
Macaron didn't told anyone about it and Tiarmi wore the suit the next day. He started seducing Kanae which Shinna spotted him and called him a flirt. Kanae disliked his attention and left. Moffle wore the suit and was confronted by Kanae's friends who accused him of taking advantage of her.
Moffle wanted to apologise but was called a rip off (which he hated it) and started going on a rampage. Kimura arrived and apologise that it was his idea which surprised everyone. It was revealed that it was Kanie in the Kimura suit and he had already learned from Shinna the day before of what has happened.
Later, Kanie and Latiffa had some tea and invited Isuzu along. However she felt out of place since Kanie and Latiffa had a good time talking to each other...
So the posing from the last episode was actually Tiarmi in disguise. Using the Kanie suit, the three mascots and Isuzu actually make Kanie a perverted and self centered person for four days. But thanks to Shinna who actually don't believe Kanie is such a person, she make a call to the real Kanie and he resolve the problem. I wonder what happened to the three mascots for causing such a mess in school? Of course, Isuzu has issues with Kanie since we could see that she has feelings for him but yet she didn't want to get between him and Latiffa. You go, girl! Next episode, we are getting a four fairies centred episode, until then, see you in the next post!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Happiness Charge Precure Ep 41: Cure Honey vs Phantom!

Queen Mirage used her powers to turn everyone around the world into Saiarks. The girls, Seiji and Blue watched in horror as the world turned into a living hell.
Deep Mirror started influencing Phantom to be a more loyal servant to Queen Mirage. At the same time, Hime decided to head to the Blue Sky Kingdom and defeat the Phantom Empire once and for all. Everyone minus Seiji entered the portal where they were confronted by hundreds of Saiark.
The girls transformed and fought their way through. Along the way, they got separated by a fog and Cure Honey spotted Phantom. He started attacking her and learned he will do anything for Queen Mirage despite knowing that everything she did was wrong.
Cure Honey tried her best to talk him out but he was too strong and managed to bind her. Phantom was about to seal her when Blue arrived to shield Cure Honey. Phantom was filled with more rage and actually knocked Blue to the ground. Cure Honey had enough and used her song to claim his rage. He was influenced by her kind heart and she promise to save Queen Mirage together with him.
Suddenly, Deep Mirror used his power to turn Phantom into a mindless drone but the other girls arrived and they transformed to Innocent Form. Cure Fortune could feel Phantom's pain and used Emerald Illusion to seal him in. The girls then used Innocent Purification to cleanse his rage.
Phantom was then revealed to be a spirit mascot like Ribbon and he is Queen Mirage's former partner, Fanfan (I think this spelling of his name sounds better than PhaPha) He plead the girls to help save Queen Mirage which they agreed and entered the castle as she waited in her throne with Deep Mirror...
I can said that Cure Honey is the best Cure for this series since she actually can stand on her own against Phantom. She might not want to attack him at first but she knew that sometime, one must take a stand to prove their point and she did it by singing to calm Phantom's rage. It's no wonder that Cure Honey is more popular among fans and prove again that the yellow cures have the best character development. (See my Smile and Doki Doki Precure's Finale review to understand why)
Phantom is actually a victim of circumstances. He was Queen Mirage's partner but after Blue left her, she was filled with despair and Deep Mirror brainwashed her. Phantom knew it is wrong but blamed everything on Blue in order to be loyal to Queen Mirage. But in actual fact, Queen Mirage will never be happy even if she did killed Blue and ruined Earth which for Phantom is a no-win situation.
But now Phantom has finally break free of his "chains", he plead for the girls to save Queen Mirage's humanity which in the next episode, the girls faced off the Phantom Empire trio generals one last time. Can they overcome the generals and save Queen Mirage before it is too late? See you next week to find out!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Happiness Charge Precure Ep 40: The Calm Before the Chaos

Hime was late for school and quickly rushed down to have her breakfast. She heard the Precure Weekly that the Phantom Empire's grip on the various countries are slipping and the Precures are winning back.
Queen Mirage was upset with the results of her generals and was about to punish them when Deep Mirror suggested to give them one last chance which she warned the generals their ultimatum. In school, Hime got along with the rest of the class, Megumi is studying hard and Yuko make delicious food for everyone during the home econ lessons. Even Iona and Yuya started exchanging journals which got the rest of the girls envious.
Later in the week, Hime was complaining that there is nothing to do since there is no school. However Megumi, Yuko and Iona all came by which Hime was very glad to see them. Yuko suggested to have a picnic in the park and everyone agreed.
The girls dressed up for the occasion and were relaxing in the park when the three Phantom generals appeared. They used their powers to turn everyone in the park into Saiarks and the girls quickly transformed. The girls were now stronger and make quick work on the Saiarks.
The three generals do not understand why they are so strong and the girls replied that it is because they are fighting for everyone's happiness. The three generals do not want to admit and combine all the Saiarks into one large giant. However the girls went into Innocent Form and used Innocent Purification to defeat it.
The three generals were also caught in the blast but snapped out at the last minute. After everything went back to normal and they got a new card from Ribbon, the girls just laid down and enjoy the moment.
Queen Mirage had enough of her generals' failures and decided to take the lead with Phantom...
I felt this episode is like a look at the everyday life of the girls. Hime in particular actually felt happy for the first time. All her life, she lived a sheltered life and when the Phantom Empire invaded her world, she was forced to fight to survive. But thanks to her new friends, she learned the value of happiness and peace is.
Of course, the rest of the episode is just special attacks non stop with Cure Lovely posing like a boss and created a giant heart to stomp on the Saiarks. Since the three generals are probably hiding after their failures, Queen Mirage decided to cut loose and go all out in the next episode. She begin by turning the world into armies of Saiark and the girls together with Blue now head to take her down. But Phantom is standing in their way! Can Cure Honey talk him out in not fighting them? Find out next week!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Pretty Guardian Sailormoon Crystal Ep 10: A New Resolve

Luna explained that they need to wait for a full moon in order to go to the Moon's surface. During these period, Usagi regained her usual self and even got her father to make a necklace for the Silver Crystal.
The girls and Luna arrived at the park and transformed. They then used their powers and were transported onto the Moon's surface. They found the remains of the Silver  Millennium and the Queen's secret chamber. Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Venus pulled out a sword from a display and a computer image of Queen Serenity (Usagi's mother from her past life) appeared.
The Queen explained how the Princess used to sneak to Earth and fell in love with Endymion. However a great evil (Queen Metaria) brainwashed the Earth People and they attacked the Moon Kingdom. Endymion died protecting the Princess and she too chose to end her life with him. The Queen then used the powers of the Silver Crystal and sealed off the evil however someone has released it again to Earth.
The Queen's final words for the girls is to protect Sailormoon and defeat the Evil. The girls had a new resolve and swore to protect the Earth. Meanwhile, the four dark kings followed Beryl and discovered Queen Metaria and her has brainwashed them in order to defeat the Sailor Senshi. The four dark kings finally remember who they really were-Endymion's personal bodyguards in the past.
Beryl brainwashed them again and ordered to retrieve the Silver Crystal from Sailormoon. They freeze the city, forcing the girls to battle. Sailor Venus told the others that they were once lovers with the dark kings in the past. However the four dark kings continued to attack the girls but Sailormoon freed them. She then went up to the Earth's surface where she used her Moon Stick to free everyone. The Sailor Senshi then combined their power and drove off the four dark kings away.
Beryl brainwashed Mamoru and ordered him to kill Sailormoon and retrieve the Silver Crystal...
So we finally get to know what really happened in the past and sure enough, everyone is connected. The Sailor Senshi were Usagi's bodyguards and friends while the four dark kings were Mamoru's comrades. The Queen also explained that the power of Silver Crystal depends on the user's heart which if you have watched the first season finale, you know how well that turned out.
I find a bit unrealistic that the Sailor Senshi fell in love with the four dark kings at first sight. (I am guessing that they don't have any good men in the Moon Kingdom and seeing four earth males probably raise some hormones)
Anyway, this episode is more of exposition and we are a few episodes away before the second arc begins but with Mamoru under Beryl's control, can Usagi free him before it is too late? Until then, see you next month!