Sunday, May 25, 2014

Happiness Charge Precure Ep 17: Supporting You My Way!

Megumi, Yuko and Ribbon wore Ouedan costumes for Seiji's upcoming Karate competition. Hime was reluctant to join them and suggested they should make bento for him instead as a form of support.

This week's Precure to start the show is Cure Rouge!!

The other two girls agreed and "pushed" Hime to do the bento. They told Seiji about it and he thank Hime however she claimed she was doing it for Megumi and Yuko. Later Seiji and Iona had a training session while Hime asked Megumi why she is willing to support Seiji. She even suggested that Megumi is in love with him but she denied claiming they were just good childhood friends. She told Hime that once she see Seiji performing Karate, she will understand better.

The next day, Hime tried many times in making the egg bento but she used up all the ingredients. Feeling frustrated, Hime volunteered to buy more ingredients and left. After buying the ingredients, she came across Seiji who is training alone. She started complaining to him that she is doing all the bento for his sake. Seiji apologise and told her that he will help her once he finished training.


Hime saw Seiji has bandages all over his body due to his training and she compare herself who only got a cut on her finger. She asked Seiji why he is into Karate and he replied that is probably Megumi's influence which Hime didn't understand. Meanwhile Seiji's upcoming opponent was training nearby and he was turned into a Saiark by Oresuki.

As the two were walking, they saw the Saiark causing a disturbance. Hime transformed and battle it. Cure Princess has her hands full when the Choiark was about to pound on her but Seiji stepped in and claimed he will handle the Choiark. But the Saiark is a Punching bag which absorb her attacks and she was getting beaten. Sudenly Cure Lovely and Cure Honey arrived to help.

Cure Honey used Coconut Samba to weaken the enemies while Cure Lovely handle the Saiark alone. Seiji told Cure Princess that when they were young, he was influenced by Megumi that she will do her best to help others which is why he was into Karate. Cure Honey also like her attitude which she asked Cure Princess that isn't everyone was influenced by Cure Lovely's attitude.

Cure Princess agreed and Cure Honey used her healing powers to restore her health. They then team up together and finished the Saiark. On the actual day of the competition, Hime presented Seiji her egg bento which he commented that it is delicious. (Ribbon got two new PreCards too) Seiji later won the tournament and everyone was happy including Hime who learned a valuable lesson...

This week is about Hime learning to support others. Initially she was reluctant to support Seiji claiming it is a waste of time and she felt embarrassed wearing the Ouedan costumes. Although I was kinda of wonder did Megumi and Yuko plan to have Hime to do the bento for Seiji so as to teach Hime the importance of supporting others. If they were, these two girls are pretty shrewd. Hime also saw Seiji working hard despite his injures when she compare herself she only have a cut on her finger.

Seiji and Yuko claimed they were influenced Megumi's attitude of giving her best to help others which Hime also agreed that they were somehow influenced by her. We also see some new skills like Coconut Samba can create volcano from the ground and Cure Princess's version of punching gloves which she called it Twin Magnum. Oresuki also spoke a famous line from his other character from Jojo Series-Dio Brando's "Muda, Muda, Muda" which means useless.

Next episode, the girls goes to a wedding ceremony for some reasons but Hoshiwa want to ruin it with a Saiark. See you next week!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Quick Picks: Date A Live S2 Ep 6, Gaworare Ep 7, Love Live S2 Ep 7, Marvel Disk Wars Avengers Ep 8

Date A Live S2 Ep 6: Shido in Shiori get up asked Touka, Origami and the female trio of classmates to form a band in order to compete against Miku. However Origami overheard the plan of capturing Touka and Shido leaked by her superior.

Later Miku invited Shido for a date in the festival but he dislike her using her powers to get what she want. This make Miku more determined to have him and hypnotise his classmates not to come for the performance. Meanwhile, Origami defended the school hall aganist the DEM forces alone while Shido, Touka and the Yamai sisters performed on stage after Miku.

However the sound system was damaged which Shido is unable to use his female voice. Suddenly Touka started singing and everyone seemed to enjoy her performance. Meanwhile Origami is losing powers and more DEM reinforcements have arrived...

This is an okay episode with more of Miku's character as she is a spolit girl who abuse her power to get what she want. Shido tried to talk some sense to her but she is too stubborn to listen. Though it is nice to hear Miku and Touka singing on stage but we got more problems as Origami is all alone against dangerous odds...

Gaworare Ep 7: Ruri concluded that the girl in the white dress is Megumu which Souta was surprised. Megumu explained she is visiting her sisters nearby in this get-up. (Souta still think Megumu is still a guy) Later Souta introduced Kurumiko to everyone and hope that Mimori could use her authority to allow Kurumiko to join their school.

Tsugumi even bride Mimori into letting her going out a date with Souta which she reluctantly accepted. She went out with him but Mimori was trying hard to be feminine. However Souta want her to be herself which she agreed to help Kurumiko. However her request was denied by the board.

Souta have no choice but to leave Kurumiko behind but when they came back, she was brought by Mei who somehow allow her to join the school. Souta and Mei had a talk on the rooftop which she explained her powers is artificial and has limits. She explained to him that she belong to an organisation who watched over the world's movements and is worried that Souta might shift the balance.

Mei showed Souta an alternative world where everyone he knew does not remember him or died if he did not come to their aid. He even met his teacher, Miyuki in the same ship accident who has now become the main character of that world. Souta could not believe his eyes and was accelerating his death flag. Mei decided to change his fate by absorbing his death flag however Sakura appeared and remove her powers and memories containing the alternative world. When Souta woke up, Mei has no recollection of what has happened...

If I put it in lay men's term, Souta is actually like the Fates in greek mythology in another word, a god. That why the organisation send Mei to observe him. However Mei has feelings for him and she risked her life to save him and lose her memories in the process. Although it is kind of sick to see Nanami, Akane and Kurumiko killed if Souta didn't came to save them which mean he has already alter the fates of everyone he know and is sending everyone to an unknown future.

We also get to see Mimori who has her issues with her sick older brother and why she has a superior attitude. Anyway with Souta knowing more about his powers, he must now choose if he want to know the truth of the world or led the world to disaster...

Love Live S2 Ep 7: Honoka's mother and sister showed her the results of her physical test and realised she has gained weight. However Honoka did not believe until she could not even wear her old idol costume. Hanayo also gained weight too which led Umi to have both of them on a strict diet.

Honoka and Hanayo skipped exercises for a week and went to eat instead. Umi caught both of them and trained them harder. Meanwhile Kotori accidentally allowed the Art Club to have their budget approved before the budget meeting and tried to make amends. Eri wanted to help but Honoka insisted they will handle it.

During the meeting, the three of them apologise for the blunder and tried to compensate the budget by 80%. Everyone gave in which Eri and Nozomi realised they should let Honoka and the others run the council...

The first half was pretty funny with Honoka and Hanayo trying to skip their diet and went to eat instead. Umi should be called Drill Sergeant Umi as she is tough on the them which even Maki commented to Kotori that Umi is tough on Honoka. But Kotori replied that Umi cared for her which is why she is strict on her diet.

The second half was more of serious and how a little blunder can go out of hand. Even though Eri wanted to help but she realised she is no more part of the council and even Nozomi said that it is not their time anymore. But I could see that Nozomi has some issues as we will see in the next episode...

Marvel Disk Wars Avengers Ep 8: Tony recalled his time with Nozomu who came up with an idea to categorise the different classes in the DISK and Tony suggested to have a party for the invention and asked Nozomu to bring his two sons to America. At the present, Iron Man explained that the DISKS allowed different users to use a specific classes of heroes or villains.

He volunteered to break into the tornado and pass the Hulk Disk to Ed or Jessica. Although Akira does not want him to go, Iron Man insisted as he make a promise to him to bring his father back. Ed spotted Jessica captured by King Cobra and the Wasp Disk is with Rosetta.

Iron Man finally broke through after Akira cheered for him and passed the Hulk Disk to Ed before knocking out. Ed called out Hulk which led the masked men to recall their villains who has beaten up Spidey. Diablo tried to hypnotise Hulk again but it didn't work and he flunked him up into the air. Captain America and Thor also arrived and Jessica broke free and called out Wasp too. The five heroes stand together with Captain America yelling the battle cry- "Avengers Assemble!"

Finally, our main five heroes are united and they are against Modok and the rest of the super villains. We also get an explanation of why different heroes and villains are classified in the DISK system. Iron Man is Tech, Captain America is Fight, Thor is Energy, Hulk is Power and Wasp is Animal. Tony also has a sense of guilt since he was responsible for organising the party and getting everyone into this mess. But now, our heroes are finally together and will they be able to handle the villains, plus something bad is going to happen to Spidey in the next episode!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Happiness Charge Precure Ep 16: The Hot Scoop!

Megumi and Hime watched the Precure Weekly hosted by Miyo and she informed that the Precure from Spain was defeated by Phantom. She then make her claim that she will to uncover the true identifies of Happiness Charge Precure.

This week's Precure is Miss Perfect-Cure Berry!

The girls got worried that if their identifies are publicly known, their lives will being hounded by the media. They saw Miyo is interviewing the students at their school and she tried to probe the girls more about the Precures.

They gave her the slip but Miyo went to their classroom and claimed she got permission from the school to do her report. Miyo claimed she has a theory that Happiness Charge Precure are students in their school which got everyone excited. Furthermore, Miyo suspected that Megumi, Hime and Yuko are the Precures and started harassing them.

Later that night, Miyo invited herself to Megumi's house and tried to get more details about her. (Mao was a big fan of Miyo) Kaori invited Miyo for dinner and after that, Megumi hide herself in her room and she change into a reporter with the PreCard.

Megumi started interviewing Miyo instead which she got tongue-tied. She then explained to Megumi her reasons of wanting to know more the Precures. When she was just a normal reporter, she was attacked by a Saiark and was saved by an unknown Precure. She also hope she can become a Precure and thank the Precure who saved her.

Megumi was touched and decided to transform in front of her. Seiji was shocked by her actions and they have no choice but to bring Miyo to see Blue. After hearing her story, Blue gave Miyo a Love Crystal and asked her to wish on it claiming she can become a Precure with it. However after several tries, it didn't work and she left in disappointment.


Miyo accidentally kicked her shoe to Namakelda and he turned her into a Saiark. The girls arrived and quickly transformed. They began attacking the Saiark however due to Miyo's knowledge of the Precure powers, the Saiark was able to counter them. Cure Honey suggested to use the Coconut Samba card and with it, the Saiark could not do anything but follow her pacing. Cure Meldoy and Cure Princess then finished it with the Twin Miracle Power Shoot.

Miyo was rescued but she still feel down that she can't be a Precure. Mao and her friends approached her and asked for her autograph. They told her that they loved her show and will always support her. Miyo was touched and Ribbon got two new PreCards as a result.

A few days, Miyo wore the Love Crystal as a necklace and apologise on her show that she is unable to find the identifies of the Happiness Charge Precue but she was happy to announce that children around the world are still cheering for the Precures who are battling the Saiark. Blue then commented that the reason why Miyo can't be a Precure is because her job is to give "hope" for the world...

This episode provide some expatiation on not every girl can become a Precure and the unknown Precure who saved Miyo in the past which people are speculating that it could be Cure Tender since her costume look similar to Cure Fortune. Miyo is quite tough for a Saiark since she has the knowledge of both the Precures and the Saiark but thanks to Cure Honey's quick thinking and using the Coconut Samba PreCard, Miyo was engrossed in her actions and was defeated eventually.

Although Miyo might be annoying like a snooping reporter but since she already know Megumi and the others' identifies, she might provide them with information about the Phantom Empire in future episodes which could prove useful. The only disappointing thing is that the trailer was misleading the viewers thinking we get to see Phantom and Cure Fortune again.

Next week, Megumi and Yuko are cheering Seiji for his upcoming Karate match but Hime was reluctant to go along with it. We also get to see Megumi and Seiji in their younger days and how their friendship came to be. Until then, see you in the next post!