Monday, May 27, 2013

Quick Picks: Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S2 Ep 7, Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride Ep 8, Date A Live Ep 8

Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S2 Ep 7: Mikoto spent the next few nights destroying every lab that are making her clones. Kuroko noticed her all tired everyday which worried her.

She later met a group of girls who are searching the mysterious "cash card" but told them to leave. One of the girls, Minori tried her luck again but was saved by Kuroko after nearly knocked down by a car.

After learning that Minori want to find the cash card as a parting gift for a friend who is moving away, Saten, Uiharu and Kazari offered to help and suggested to collect a four leaf clover instead as a gift.

The girls spend some time in the field and finally found one. Kuroko got some assurance from the others to trust Mikoto which later that night, she wish her well as Mikoto went off to destroy the last three labs. However the higher ups are planning something against her...

This week focused on our hard core yuri lover-Kuroko who is concerned for Mikoto's well being. Despite always acting silly now and then, she truly cared for Mikoto but it will probably take a while before Mikoto will reveal what is going on. But now the higher up know that Mikoto is responsible for the attacks and send their measures against her as we see in the next episode, she is up against some top ESP users...

Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride Ep 8: Yukimura and Matabei were attacked by a strange energy based creature which is looking for a "Guardian Stone" However it was drawn away by one of the Dark Samurai-Inshun.

Matabei and Hanzo met to discuss about how weak they are compared to the Dark Samurai and wondered should they try to become Mumeakira's samurais. Later Jubei met Inshun and they get along pretty well.

Sen in bondage...Yeah!!!

Mumeakira suggested they patrol the streets to find the creature and spilt into three groups. Sen tried to take on the creature herself but was caught by it's tentacles. Hanzo tried her best to save her but was too weak against it.

Suddenly Inshun drove the creature away and the others arrived thinking that she is the one who created the creature...

After last week's confrontation with the Dark Samurais, Matabei and Hanzo have realised they are no match against them and a sense of uneasiness rest on them. They want to try to become Mumeakira's samurais but first, they have to overcome one thing-Kiss which explained the number of tries on the wall.

Next is the quiet one of the Dark Samurai-Inshun who is gentle and least violent among the four. Jubei didn't care who she is and make friends with her instead which I hope she survived in the end. But importantly, what is that creature and it seems to be related to the Dark Samurai's revival...What could it mean?

Date A Live Ep 8: Shindo asked Kurumi on a date which she agreed. Suddenly Origami appeared and asked for a date with him which he reluctantly accepted. (She was spared by Kurumi earlier)

I know what you are thinking..Touka should hold a certain plastic object instead...

Finally Touka who was feeling upset earlier, plucked her courage and asked a date from him (By posing sexy) Shindo agreed and now is in a tight fix. However Kotori agreed to help him on the actual day.

First, he met Touka and took her to an aquarium hall. He then excused to meet Kurumi and they went shopping in a lingerie store. Finally, he met Origami and they have lunch in a cafe. It went for a few hours and Shindo was almost out of breath.

Kurumi wandered on her own and saw a group of teens bullying a kitten. She invited herself to the group and suggested a "better" game. Shindo went looking for her and witnessed her killing the teens. She explained to Shindo that she want to get close to him so that she can "eat" him alive.

Suddenly Mana arrived to protect Shindo...

Shindo's longest day and dating three girls is a nightmare (no puns) for him. Given me a choice, I will take Touka or Origami who have good fashion sense. But now knowing that Kurumi is out to get him, will he choose to fight her or win her heart?

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Doki Doki Precure Ep 17: The Prince of Trump Kingdom

The girls arrived at the Arts park museum where Regina appeared in front of them. She claimed she want to make friends with Mana and the others however she has no resolve of what is right or wrong either.

They entered the park where Makoto spotted a familiar statue that look like Ange and a red stone is  in the centre of it. She then recalled a similar statue in the Trump Kingdom and there was a statue of a man beside Ange who looked similarly like Joe.

Counting Sheeps again?

Joe appeared out of nowhere and introduced himself to Regina. Before Makoto could asked further, Joe excuse himself and left Ai-Chan in the girls' hands. Ai-Chan cried in Regina's arms and the girls used a sheep Lovies to make her go to sleep.

Regina spotted the red stone in the stone and the fairies accidentally mentioned about the Royal Crystals. Thinking she can make a gift for Mana, Regina destroyed the statue and got the stone. The girls had no choice but to apologise to the curator. The sculptor who make the statue didn't mind but the girls help out to clean the mess.

Regina couldn't understand why the girls are helping out and they explained to her that friends share the good and bad times together. Regina started to understand a bit when the stone react to her and it changed into a Royal Crystal.

However it changed Regina's personality into a selfish person and demanded the rest of the crystals. Makoto refused and Regina corrupted the sculptor's heart to become a Jikochu. The girls transformed and Cure Sword tried to knock it with Sparkle Sword however it didn't work and it fired back a petrify beam at Cure Sword.

Cure Sword passed the crystals to Cure Heart before being petrified. Cure Diamond and Cure Rosetta also got petrified leaving Cure Heart alone. She tried to reason with Regina but she is obsessed with getting the crystals.

Suddenly a man in armor appeared to aid Cure Heart. She recognize him to be Joe. He told her to fire  Heart Shoot at the petrified statues in order to free them. Cure Heart complied and free the others. Together they then used Lovely Force Arrow to defeat the Jikochu.

From being Cool...

After a few rounds, Regina retreated with the red Royal crystal but swore to return. The girls then asked Joe who he really is and re-introduced as Jonathan Klondike and he is Ange's fiance...

I did mentioned before in the first episode that Joe is somehow related to the Trump Kingdom and I was right. He is Ange's fiance and has a complete different appearance from his civilian form. However the bigger problem is Regina has one of the Royal Crystals and is probably will stop at nothing to get the rest.

To be honest, Regina was trying to learn how to make friends however coming from a world where being bad is good, she is conflicted and somehow the red crystal affected her mind, turning her into a ruthless person.

I don't know if anyone notice the scene where Regina spotted the crystal in the statue, why do the girls have to shout out loud that it could be the Royal Crystal and the fairies have to open their big mouth and told Regina about it? (I got a face palm where I saw that scene) It's like you just told your enemy your biggest secret and you still talk about it without thinking that the enemy could have just steal it. I know they want to trust Regina but honestly, this is not the way to go...

...To being a Noob...Make up your mind, Joe!

Anyway, next week, we are going to find out more about Joe's past and the location of the last crystal! Can the girls get it before Regina does!? Find out next week!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Quick Picks: Majestic Prince Ep 8, Valvrave the Liberator Ep 7

Majestic Prince Ep 8: The team were discussing what the Wulgura really are when they were ordered to sortie before the countdown. Komine ordered the plasma cannon to fire before it is fully charged and it does little damages to the Wulgura.

Randy and his team arrived to aid the fleet as Izuru and the others began to hold the line for the plasma cannon to recharge. Jiato saw Izuru and sortie out. They began to battle each other as Izuru ordered Asagi to lead the rest.

Asagai was good to lead the others as Izuru has a hard time taking down Jiato. Finally both of them damaged each other and their cockpits is revealed. Jiato claimed he will finish Izuru next time as Izuru finally knew what the Wulgura looked like which he claimed Teoria looked like one of them...

It is an all out battle as everyone tried their best to hold the line. Izuru also gave Asagi command of the team and his orders were well received. Of course with Izuru finally seeing what the Wulgura look like, will he has second thoughts now as in the next episode preview, he meet Teoria a second time...

Valvrave the Liberator Ep 7: In the Space year 214, Saki now piloting a more brutal version of Carmilla and took down a Dorssia general. Back to the present day, Haruto refused to allow anyone else to pilot the remaining mechs and the others were in favor despite Satomi wanting to use them for battle.

Later, L-elf appeared in front of Shouko and proposed that the school to be turn into a military institution. She refused which L-elf lock down the whole school. Saki and Raizo tried to stop him but he took them down easily and tied everyone up.

Haruto confronted L-elf in the hanger but A-drei shot Haruto. However he was shocked to see Haruto still alive and in a stalemate with L-elf. Suddenly Q-vier appeared in a mech and started firing randomly and killing Aina.

A-drei escaped with Q-vier and Saki sortie out (after being untied by Kibukawa) H-neun fired magnetic boomerangs that stunned Carmilla in her path. Haruto was pinned down and L-elf offered to switch bodies with him.

Haruto (now in L-elf's body) sortie out and after learning from L-elf about H-neun's weak spot, easily defeated him and the Dorssia fleet retreated. Kyuma arrived to help Haruto and saw Aina's dead corpse floating in the hanger. Haruto found a photo of a girl named Licht in L-elf's pocket and unknowingly started to cry...

First thing, it seems that the battle against the Dorssia ravaged till the year 214 which means a possibility that the Dorssia could have taken over and Saki (who looked like she is still in her teens) is battling them with a more bad ass version of Carmilla. Not a good sight for things to come in the future.

Now with our first casualty of Aina now dead, the school might have to rethink of what they should do now. It seems L-elf has his own agenda proposing the school to be a military country. Ten bucks will tell you that he is doing for Licht who is the girl in the photo. Maybe he and Licht have some kind of relationship and L-elf's tears could confirm it...