Sunday, April 29, 2012

Quick Picks: Accel World Ep 4, Shining Hearts Ep 3, Zombie Desu Ka S2 Ep 4, Mysterious Girlfriend X Ep 4

Accel World Ep 4: Haru learn that someone is spying through Chiyuri's account but did not probe further. He later informed Kuroyukihime who suddenly became jealous due to him sharing a direct link with Chiyuri.

Girl kiss sweet!

Later, she apologize to him however a car went out of control and they quickly burst link into the Accel World. Kuroyukihime decided to sacrifice herself to save Haru's body and she confessed to him that she love him before being knocked down by the car.

She was rushed to the hospital with Haru by her side. He was worried that Cyan Pile might tried to kill her and stood guard all night. His friend Taku came by which finally he realised that Taku is really Cyan Pile and they began to battle in the Accel World...

Kuroyukihime confessing to Haru was one of the sweetest things I seem so far. Furthermore she believe that Haru is the one who will become the strongest and find out the truth of Accel World.

Next episode is going to be exciting as the stakes are high. One is his best friend and the other is the girl he love. What will Haru do now and what is Taku's true nature and his reason to kill Kuroyukihime?

Shining Hearts Ep 3: Rick and the girls found Kagura who was washed ashore and brought her to the nearby clinic. Later their furnace was damaged and went to find a blacksmith named Hank who is keeping an gyroid in his workshop. They overheard from the palace guards that a blackout has been issued tonight to prevent pirates from invading the island.

Rick and Neris went to vist Kagura who has amnesia. Suddenly Kagura's pendant started to glow which attracted the pirates and awaken the gyroid who subsequently destroyed the pirates' ships. The palace guards tried to stop Kagura from glowing but Rick stopped them. However the pendant stop glowing and the danger is over for now...

Like the game, Kagura is unable to recall who she is and the gyroid will also play an important role in future episodes. Other than that, it is still too early to tell how the story goes as it seems it divert about the pirates invading the island and the blackout.

Sera has the biggest BOOBS!!!!

Zombie Desu Ka S2 Ep 4: A soft of filler episode in which after Haruna accidentally destroyed Ayumu's model robot (which is FMP's Arbalest), Orito brought him to a maid cafe which is owned by Sara.

Make me your slave, Sera!!

This week's Daydream Eu is Kouda Mariko

In order to have a free meal, both of them took the challenge of make five "Tsundere" girls become "Dere" which to everyone's surprise, they beat the challenge but not after learning that their classmate, Anderson is actually a being from the underworld...

I can't believe that Ayumu is a fan of FMP and even make references to both the novels and the Second Raid series. The Tsundere challenge was fun to watch which the last challenge was their classmate, Mihara Kanami who detest them from the beginning. Thanks to Orito's crazy idea which make her blush like a puppy but who is Anderson and why is he here in the first place?

I find it creepy seeing Urabe behaving like this...thank god it is just a delusion.

Mysterious Girlfriend X Ep 4: One of Tsubaki's classmate and girlfriend to Ueno, Oka want to befriend Urabe during break time. Urabe was tempted by Oka's food and began to taste her food. Later Urabe gave her drool to Tsubaki and it tasted like fried eggs.

The next day, Urabe injured her knee and Oka brought her to the sick bay. There, they shared a drink together which Oka also suffered the same injuries like Urabe. She realised that Oka has a special connection with her and Oka confessed that she saw her and Tsubaki together doing the droll ritual.

Urabe claimed that she doesn't need any friends but Tsubaki. However Oka didn't give up and during break time, she let Urabe taste her droll which she claimed it is sweet. Oka figure out that Urabe has not further their relationship with Tsubaki, let alone a kiss. Urabe gave in and they began to have lunch together which surprised both Tsubaki and Ueno...

Now with Oka entering the picture, how will it affected Urabe and Tsubaki who are desperately trying to hide their relationship. But it seems that Oka and Ueno are also keeping theirs a secret too. Although Oka is a bit creepy (like a stalker!) but she mean no harm and furthermore she could figure out that Urabe's relationship with Tsubaki is superficial and nothing serious. I guess that Oka could give Urabe some tips on courtship and maybe she could direct it to Tsubaki without doing the droll ritual which is getting a bit boring now...

Fate Zero S2 Ep 4-The Eighth Servant

Kirei found his father dead in the church and informed Tokiomi who was furious about it. After Kirei excused himself, Archer asked if he felt any remorse about his father's death. However he was unmoved about it.

Meanwhile, Saber brought back Iris to their hideout and Iris recovered in the magic circle. Maiya arrived and informed Tokiomi want to form an alliance with them to defeat Rider and Berserker. Iris agreed to meet them and hint to Saber that Kirei is the greatest threat to Emiya in this war.

Tokiomi went to visit his family and spoke to Rin. He advised her to trust the church and become a great mage in the future. He gave her his book of spells before leaving with Kirei.

Iris and the other met Tokiomi and Kirei in the church. Emiya was listening everything from Maiya's spy watch. Tokiomi wished for an alliance with them which Iris agreed with two conditions. First, they must share information about Rider and Waver and second, they wished for Kirei to withdraw from the war as he has bad blood with the Enizbern family.

Tokiomi agreed to the terms and they left the church. Saber ride the new bike which was given by Emiya and went off first to scout the route. Iris and Maiya drove in the car and she felt weak but order Maiya to leave the church immediately.

Along the way, she explained to Maiya that she is a homunculus for the sole purpose of becoming the vessel of the Holy Grail. However the reason she is still alive was because of Avalon being placed in her body which prevent her from aging. She hope that Maiya will continue to support her and Emiya till the war is over.

Kirei was in his room when Archer appeared. Kirei has received the location of Iris's hideout and told Archer the truth of the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail will appeared once all seven servants killed which means that Tokiomi will use his command seals to had Archer killed in the end. Kirei also explained that now he is a master without a servant which Archer found it amusing and instigated him to do what is needed.

Kirei met Tokiomi in his room and want him to be Rin's master and guardian if he is gone. He also gave Kirei an Azoth dagger which symbolise his mastery of the Tohsaka magic and the end of the master/student relationship.

As Tokiomi was about to leave, Kirei stabbed him with the dagger and murdered him. Archer was amazed about his actions and now Kirei form an contract with Archer to be the new master...

So expected, Kirei betrayed Tokiomi and had him murdered. Now Kirei become the new master of Archer and began his scheme to have everyone eliminated. Of course in the future, Kirei will become Rin's master and will gave the Azoth dagger to her which in FSN, everyone know what is going happen after that.

Iris is also a tragic character. Being a vessel for the Holy Grail and according to her, once her time is up, she will turn into the Holy Grail and cease to exist. The Enizbern family are also a bunch of heartless people which probably why Iriya is so self-centred in FSN.

Next episode, we are having a flashback episode which explain Emiya's past and the reason why he now see the world in grey...

Monday, April 23, 2012

Quick Picks: Shining Hearts Ep 2, Zombie Desu Ka S2 Ep 3, Accel World Ep 3, Kuroko no Basket Ep 3, Saki Side A Ep 3, Mysterious Girlfriend X Ep 3

Welcome to Quick Picks and this will be based on shows that I am watching now but I won't be doing a full review like Fate Zero but more in the same lines as First Impressions.

Shining Hearts Ep 2: Rick and the girls help to spread the words of a great storm coming to the village. Airy help a little girl whose mother went to clean the apples orchard and was rewarded by the mother with fresh fruits and vegetables. However no one knew that a girl in red was washed ashore...

It just showed more locations and characters in the village like the item shops female owner and the clinic doctor and nurse who will later tend the mysterious girl in the next episode. Other than that, it is pretty okay for a second episode but like what I say before-Anything from Tony Taka being animated, really should belong in a Hentai anime.

Butt is Love!

I think they swing another way...

Zombie Desu Ka S2 Ep 3: Sara confessed to Sera that she is in love with Ayumu's butt and she is willing to do anything for him. Meanwhile Orito began to behave strangely in front of Ayumu, thank to their bishouen blond classmate. Yuki and Haruna began rehearsing for Sara's concert but it is a cursed dance moves that make everyone around sick and weak. Ayumu tried to re-train them but backfired as the two girls used the cursed dance and turn the concert into a disaster...

It felt like a filler episode this week with just everyone doing strange things. However Dai Sensei is still interrogating Kyoko who has a sadistic smile and swore revenge on Ayumu. Hopefully we get into some story development next week. By the way, Orito and that blond dude is really not themselves...

Accel World Ep 3: Haru learned more about the Brain Burst's history and Kuroyukihime admitted she is a former Level 9 warrior who betrayed her comrades and became a fugitive for two years. Furthermore, she is stalked by an assassin who is believed to be Haru's friend-Chiyuri. Haru agreed to help her and tried to hack into Chiyuri's database which he discovered a back-door in her program...

So Kuroyukihime want to find out the reasons of creating the Brain Burst and to do that, someone has to be at Level 10 which means they have to kill everyone to get it. She decapitated one of the eight lords of the game and is on the run ever since. Looking at all the colors of the lords, it remind me of the DC comics crossover-Blackest Night. Anyway is Chiyuri really the assassin who is trying to kill Kuroyukihime or could it be someone else...

Kuroko no Basket Ep 3: Kuroko and his team arrived at Kisei's school. However they are only using half the court to play their practice team which anger them. Kagami rebutted them by showing off a dunk and damaging the hoop. Kisei joined the match and it became a full out war all over the court. Both teams has a time-out which Kuroko and Kisei claimed each other has a weakness. They continued the match until Kagami announced that Kuroko is Kisei's weakness...

It is just non-stop action basketball all the way, Nuff said!

Saki Side A Ep 3: After winning the preference final and earning a place at the nationals, Akage decide to have a practice match with the first runner-up of any team. Shizuno want to challenge Ryumonbochi High as they were battling Nodoka's team in the final. However Shizuno was completely defeated by Amae Koromo and stated that Nodoka wasn't the one who defeated her but it was their Rinshan user, Saki. Finally they arrived at Tokyo for the National and while walking in the hallway, they spotted Saki who has a deadly pressure around her...

They went straight to the National without showing how good they are?! That is like putting a summary of who won the World Cup in five minutes! They don't even show how powerful Amae is which was disappointing. But now they finally met Saki who by the way, is not in a good mood. If you remember in the original series, she was angry that her elder sister dis acknowledge her in front of the press. So will we see Saki using her trademark Rinshan Kaiho and some actual mahjong matches like the original series?

Note: This is just his delusion

That is the smile of an angel.

Mysterious Girlfriend X Ep 3: After seeing his best friend kissing a girl in class, Tsubaki asked Urabe if she is willing to kiss her. She gave him a test tube filled with her saliva which after tasting it, felt sweet. Later a fellow classmate Ogata tried to ask Urabe out but after he felt indifferent after tasting her droll, she declined his offer. On the way back, Urabe admitted to Tsubaki that she is not wearing any panties today and he nose bleed immediately...

I think this is one of the sweetest show I watch this year. Usually a kiss isn't that hard to get for a steady couple but Tsubaki respected Urabe and said that they should kiss when they get to know each other further. Urabe blushed and that is one of the nicest anime girl I met in a long time. Given that she is not wearing any panties make it more funny for her trying to cover it. I think she is willing to let Tsubaki to know her better and that is a good sign. I mean, which girl is willing to let you keep her panties for a day?

So this is my Quick picks for the week and I realise that's a lot of shows I am watching this season. However as the shows progress, I might drop off some shows for review due to time or the shows getting uninteresting for me. So hope you like this week of Quick Picks and see you next week!