Sunday, January 20, 2019

Hugtto Precure Ep 48 Top 4 Moments: We are Precure!

Horray! Horray! This is my review of Hugtto Precure Ep 48 and this is it! The Final Battle!

No 4: Cure Yell vs George!

As everyone has fallen including Cure Ange, Etolie, Armor and Macherie who are trapped in crystals, Cure Yell began facing off against George.

Hello, FBI...

George continue to preach that her efforts are futile and all he wanted a world without suffering and pain. But Cure Yell rebutted that there is still hope for humanity. George managed to weaken Cure Yell till she transform back to Hana.

Hana still stood up and believe in herself and everyone else also started to get up including Hana's petrified mother who somehow shed a tear and could hear her voice. Hana agreed that life sometime can hurt but it is because we experience pain, we learn how to be stronger so that we can build a better future.

Real Time Transformation is always awesome!

Hana then declared that she will support those in need because she can do it! Hana's body started generate Asu power and Hug-Tan also lend her strength to her. Hana transformed again into Cure Yell (In Real Time!) and managed to destroy George's magic book and saved Hug-Tan!

No 3: The Final Showdown!

The Asu Power from Cure Yell also released everyone from the time freeze and freed the other four Cures! George refused defeat and become part of the shadow giant (I am calling it Shadow George) and tried to destroy the city.

The girls tried to hold off Shadow George and their Asu Powers started to overwhelm the entire city and the whole world! The townspeople started cheering for them and a miracle happened!

No 2: We are Precure!

Everyone including Hana's parents, Kotori, Henri, Masato, their classmates and allies all become Precures! With it, the girls went to Cheerful Style and used Minna De Tomorrow Attack to purify Shadow George!

No 1: Hana and George...

As the Crisis Building started to collapse, Cure Yell rushed to find George who is sitting alone in his room. George finally admitted defeat and Cure Yell returned his handkerchief to him.(Which is from the first time they met)

Cure Yell wanted him to follow her but George claimed he does not believe in the future however Cure Yell wonder why he always said "See you again" every time he leave her? George shed a tear and said the same words to her before disappearing.

As the Crisis Building collapse, Cure Yell returned to everyone as now the future is saved...

Wow! This episode is full of emotions! From Cure Yell's solo battle with George and why her belief and will power is so strong that it can create Miracles, Cure Yell is up there as one of the best Cures in the franchise.

The surprising part was how everyone become Precures in order to save the world which usually it was the townspeople just gave energy to our heroines and save the day but this time, Toei did differently and got everyone involved! In fact, some of these Cure designs were not bad looking, like how Kotori and Papple looked lovely while Dr Trauma looked goofy in a mecha suit and even Hana's grandmother and her friend got into action!

We also saw that a younger version of George and Dr Trauma does exist in their town and George was emotional after seeing the miracle the girls created. (Although it does raise questions that how Future George and Dr Trauma managed to avoid seeing their younger self all these while? If by chance, they meet each other, wouldn't that create a time paradox like Doc Brown from Back to the Future mentioned before that it could destroy the space time continuum)

Time travel is always a headache! Just look at Kamen Rider Zi-O and you can see why people are still scratching their head about the plot!

Finally the final scene which is similar to Kira Kira conclusion of how the Big Bad is never really destroyed but rather change his ways for the better. Although we probably will never know how George got his powers. (Lazy Writing again!)

But George's last words to Cure Yell was pretty emotional and he never tell her why he was so fixated on her. (Which it is better as if Hana found out she is someone dear to George, she might freak out and create another time paradox!)

Homare looked different with long hair..

Saya with short hair..not bad but I still like her with long hair... 

Look like Hana's Hair fridge is never going to grow back...

So where are you during the final battle, Cure Tomorrow?

Just more footage from the rest of Team Star Twinkle from the trailer..

So with the epilogue next week, what can we expect to see? Seeing from the preview, everyone began to start a new path in their life and the future has been restored. But it looked like Hana is going for one more soul searching before the series end. Until then, see you in the next post for the Finale!

P.S: 20th January is Hana's Birthday, Happy Birthday Birthday Girl!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! ! hana my birthday is coming on Saturday 21 February I live in Japan and... The next episode is I know hana is giving birth ! I'm 11 years old I'm very glad hana is giving birth ๐Ÿ˜š all the best hana ๐Ÿ˜„ okey bye have a good pregnancy ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿ‘ซ๐Ÿ‘ช
